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- Die verbleibende Besatzung eines Raumschiffs namens Ark One, die nach einer Katastrophe die beste Version ihrer selbst werden muss, um auf Kurs zu bleiben und zu überleben.
- Talon, die einzige Überlebende der Blackbloods, macht sich auf den Weg, um die Mörder ihrer Familie zu verfolgen, und entdeckt ihre übernatürlichen Kräfte, die sie aber erst in den Griff bekommen muss.
- Berts betrunkene Vergangenheit holt ihn 20 Jahre später wieder ein, als er und sein Vater von denjenigen entführt werden, denen Bert vor 20 Jahren Unrecht getan hat, während er betrunken ein Auslandssemester in Russland absolvierte.
- FernsehserieEs geht um einen zeitreisenden Bibliothekar aus der Vergangenheit, der leider in der Gegenwart gefangen ist.
- Eine innigere Beziehung zwischen einem Menschen und einem Androiden testet die Grenzen der menschlichen Natur.
- FernsehserieRob, a Saxon outlaw, and Marian, a Norman noblewoman, unite to fight injustice after the Norman conquest. He leads a rebel band while she infiltrates the corrupt court, both striving for justice and peace
- Ein Überlebender der Großen Belagerung der Burg von Rochester kämpft, um seinen Clan vor keltischen Räubern zu retten. Eine Fortsetzung des Films von 2011, "Ironclad".
- Eine Mutter kämpft um das Leben ihrer Tochter, nachdem eine noch nie dagewesene Pandemie den Planeten verwüstet hat und die Ressourcen so knapp sind, dass man sie mit seinem Leben bezahlen muss.
- The story of a female astronaut stationed in outer space to monitor solar storms that endanger earth. She discovers shock waves from solar storms are bending time.
- Snake Oil salesman comes to the Outpost with the promise of a cure. Janso doesn't believe it but a guard at the gate thinks it will cure his infected wife. Which may cost the Outpost everything. Tobin's wife is thrown in Jail as she exposed her use of the Red Kinj. Her actions surprise all as she wants to give the Red Kinj to The Queen proving that surprises are still in store from those around her. Talon takes the team to hunt for her father and the Black Kinj!
- Talon (Jessica Green) and Zed (Reece Ritchie) learn painful truths about their relatives. Tobin (Aaron Fontaine) makes a heroic rescue and Yavalla's (Jaye Griffiths) horde grows as the Outpost prepares for battle.
- The Outpost is overrun. Talon and Zed race to return with an unexpected ally. Facing total defeat, a sacrifice is the only hope.
- With the Outpost taken over by hostile black-bloods, Talon must band with her allies to fight back.
- Wren and Janzo solve a puzzle box. Tobin and Munt escape the outpost to recruit help. Talon learns the secret of who abandoned her.
- Talon, Wren, Janzo and Yavalla fight to survive as they enter a labyrinth in search of an ancient relic. Gwynn and Zed fight for control of the outpost.
- As Talon presses for answers, Yavalla recruits Gwynn to her cause. Reunited with a past love, Tobin faces a terrible choice. Zed's loyalty is tested.
- Tobin returns to the Outpost with an army and a secret. A fight in the Throne Room ends with death, imprisonment and a new commander of the Outpost.
- Talon sets up a sanctuary for the infected while Janzo and Wren research a cure. Garret investigates a cult making human sacrifices.
- Yavalla, Gwynn and Tobin overtake the Capital with Talon, Garret and Zed on their heels. The Outpost, becomes a new home for a Prime Order brute.
- Death is the only answer to save Talon's friends. The Outpost becomes a fight arena. An old enemy releases a dark power into unsuspecting hands.
- Gynn finds about Tobin's secret marriage. Talon learns of a seventh, deadly kinj. Two separate groups hunt Yavalla. One group wants to find a cure. The other wants to kill her.
- Yavalla's strength is tested as Wren, her own daughter, confronts her as Janzo, Talon and Zed attempt an assassination. Meanwhile, Tobin's loyalty is questioned.
- Garret wants Talon to take the throne, while a mysterious assassin seeks revenge. Falista mourns for Tobin but hatches a new plan. Zed wants Wren to be High Priestess and uncovers a secret about her.
- Garret is set free but must serve a new ruler; Talon and Zed return to save the Blackbloods, but discover a tragedy; Falista tries to make peace.
- Garret attacks a new queen and strange visions reveal a new threat. Talon and Zed devise a plan to save the Blackbloods. Janzo discovers Wren's secret. Meanwhile, Tobin tries to stay loyal and Luna attempts another assassination.