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- Un laureato prende un lavoro da impiegatizio lavorando per l'agente letterario del famoso e solitario scrittore J.D. Salinger.
- In each episode, a celebrity chef challenges an amateur to keep up with him or her as they make a dish in 15 minutes, with one big caveat: The amateur can't see the chef-they can only listen.
- Join Bon Appétit test kitchen manager, Brad Leone, on a wild, roundabout and marginally scientific adventure exploring fermented foods and more. From cultured butter and kombucha, to kimchi and miso, to beer and tepache, learn how to make fermented and live foods yourself.
- Web series in which Claire Saffitz from Bon Appetit tries to replicate well-known candy and confectionery.
- Expert food makers describe in detail their craft, each episode focusing on a different speciality.
- Film per la TV
- Food People is a food podcast for people who love foot. The program is hosted by Bon Appétit editorial director Amanda Shapiro who talks to guests about both serious or not-so-serious food and food-related questions: what's the best way to grill chicken? Can meal prep be less terrible? Are air fryers worth the hype? And many more.