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- Mit ABOUT ENDLESS ergänzt Roy Andersson sein filmisches Werk mit einer Reflexion über das menschliche Leben in all seiner Schönheit und Grausamkeit, seinem Glanz und seiner Banalität.
- Zu Beginn des 20. Jahrhunderts begehen auf der Insel La Réunion fünf Jugendliche aus guter Familie, die in das Okkulte verliebt sind, ein wildes Verbrechen.
- Wir folgen zwei Brüdern, ihren Routinen, Gewohnheiten, Ritualen und einer gewalttätigen Fehde, die zwischen ihnen und einer anderen Familie ausbricht.
- In einem Dorf, in dem das Meer und der Mond nahe sind, gab es ein Ungeheuer, drei Hexen, viele Geister und einen Schiffbrüchigen.
- What divides us and what keeps us together? Maybe, both questions have the same answer. The body revealing itself to the mind. The mind to the space. The space, a place without walls which its inhabitants can't get out of. Confinement in a place that seems open. People like the objects of a place. A place as a body they can't get out of. The body, a group of membranes, the tissue that contains us. The fear that this tissue might not contain us anymore. A giant's skeleton appears.
- A story composed of fragments of lives lived in the periphery. Based on stories gathered and formed among the people who live in the region, Ridge turns the setting into the film's node and main character. But like shadows over the landscape, some protagonists are distinguished: Beata, a seasonal worker who comes to Sweden for the first time, Aaron, a young man with a broken heart returning to the place where he grew up, and Billie, a girl lost in her first summer vacation. As the film follows their lives, which slowly merge with the landscape, a map is drawn of the confusion between machines, people and animals. It becomes clear how they all depend on each other, in this era where the future is obscured by man's violent imprint on the planet.
- Millions of Chinese people engage in live-streaming. Those whose poverty, physical limitations or sex prevent them from taking part in the real world find human contact here; fragments of lives that are interwoven with virtual showrooms.
- "I've made a lot of paintings I'm proud of, made in all this chaos you keep talking about, where I don't have money or anything else [...]" is the answer that artist Julio Ruiz gives his daughter's questioning while she tries to make a cinematic portrait of him. For JR, the value of being true to oneself is more meaningful than the promise of stability that a traditional life has to offer.
- Obachan is Japanese. She left her native archipelago in 1941 to marry one of her compatriots, 17 years older, settled in Mexico. Through fragments of family films, manga and sequences that she has shot, Nicolasa Ruiz sculpts a complex and delicate memory landscape between the two shores of the Pacific.
- In the Sierra of Santa Catarina located east of the lowlands of Mexico, a volcano erupts. The crack of the earth is heard in the middle of the night. Everything rumbles and the sky begins to tint red. Two adolescents emerge from within the volcano. Centuries later they wake. It's the last day; when all fire dies, when the day of offering begins, spiraling through another century. Irene tries to go back to the place where she comes from, roaming the city and the volcanos. She crosses Xaltepec until meeting La Caldera. Gamma curiously wanders through the jungle, discovering landscapes until lost. Memories of the explosion make way in the mind.
- Adolfo, a young Rarámuri, tells us, through his images, about the need to document everything around him, realizing how his community has been disappearing. Without knowing it, he became the first cameraman of his town.
- A machine that contains a ghost. From two eyes to one eye. The same four limbs. The artificial body. The appearance of things, their incandescence. The light on the screen feels more alive than ever. The satellite guides me. Through a transmutation exercise a human in old age performs a ritual that allows him to deposit his essence in the body of a drone. In the gaze of the machine, a new illusion is reconfigured.