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- In dieser Anthologieserie mit schrecklichen Geschichten erwacht das Horror-Comicbuch eines Jungen zum Leben.
- FernsehserieA nuclear war with a sinister enemy leaves America a wasteland of monstrous creatures where survivors struggle against rage and fear.
- 2019– 46mTV-MA6,1 (836)FernsehepisodeA man is determined to stay alive alone on a deserted island no matter what the cost; A teen's family road trip includes a visit to the gravest show on earth.
- A marketing ploy at a haunted Bed and Breakfast becomes too realistic; an exterminator gets more than he bargained for when he takes on a big job.
- A young woman, Cassandra, turns up at a strangers door, telling her she will die in 20 minutes. An award winning photo-journalist is tormented with disturbing photos, taken by an unseen photographer.
- A teenaged boy arrives goes looking for help with his father's drinking problem. A little girl tries to protect the residents of her dollhouse from a homicidal head.
- A platoon of desperate American soldiers turn to an unlikely solution when trapped by Nazis; A lonely man finds a strange finger that seems to be growing.
- 2019– 44mTV-MA7,4 (1480)FernsehepisodeA group of young trick-or-treaters terrorize their small town on Halloween. A young pothead returning from a trip finds a mysterious man cursed with the ability to spit out gold coins when in pain squeezed into his suitcase.
- 2019– 44mTV-MA6,4 (1096)FernsehepisodeA murderer breaks into a Funeral Home for shelter and finds a monkey's paw and a man who knows how to use it. A whole town turns on the mayor and his cronies who have controlled the town for far too long.
- 2019– 43mTV-MA6,7 (1209)FernsehepisodeA man brings a scarecrow to life with terrifying results. Lydia Layne kills her lover and as she is trying to dispose of the body, the power goes out in the elevator.
- 2019– 44mTV-MA6,9 (1080)FernsehepisodeIn "Skincrawlers," an overweight man considers a radical weight loss treatment involving leeches on the day of a rare solar eclipse. In "By the Silver Water of Lake Champlain," a young girl finds the lake monster her father was after.