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- Bára Veselá, fleeing from the law, becomes an accidental saleswoman at Prague's new Zlatá labut department store. Behind its luxurious facade, history unfolds as Nazi forces enter Czechoslovakia on March 15, 1939.
- Crims is a Catalan TV show that focuses in narrating famous murders and stories on the story of modern Barcelona and Catalonia. Usually focuses on the police work that was involved on solving the cases.
- Corcovada is a 99year woman that lives in a small town, her great granddaughter Carolina comes to her house. Simultaneously elections for presidency are taking place and the preparation for the town's annual party as well.
- Um enorme engarrafamento nos arredores de Madri interrompe os planos de milhares de pessoas, levando a histórias inesperadas, engraçadas e emocionantes.
- Segue três mulheres com problemas financeiros e pessoais que se veem em grave perigo após unirem forças para colocar as mãos em uma mercadoria valiosa de um hóspede do motel.
- The story of the Salvador Allende, former president of Chile, from his presidential campaign to the day of his death on 11 September 1973.
- O Futbol Club Barcelona aproveitou o melhor futebol do mundo ao longo de sua história. No entanto, nestes últimos anos não fizeram jus à reputação do clube.
- Review through time of the Real Madrid soccer team.
- The documentary revolves around the 2021 title winning season at Atletico Madrid, and past life of their energetic one of a kind manager Diego Simone.
- Marc Márquez enfrenta a decisão mais difícil de sua carreira. Ele terá que tomar medidas drásticas para vencer novamente. Um ano decisivo na vida e na carreira de Marc.
- Galdós is, was and will be an extraordinary writer who revolutionized the narrative between 1860 and 1920. A documentary with touchs of fiction focussed on his most personal facet.
- This HD series uncovers the astonishing similarities and sharp differences between two of earth's richest meeting points between continents - bridges where vastly different animal populations intermingle during their eternal quest for survival. These geographical bridges between huge land masses create unique places where the flora and fauna of two continents intermingle. The narrow strip of land connecting the continents of the Americas is an authentic Noah's ark with huge number of species, all of them coming from south and north and making their home Central America, a geological newcomer, when compared to the age of the land masses north and south. Africa and Europe are separated by the narrowest of sea passages at Gibralter and a the border territory of the Iberian peninsula. This region features the richest biodiversity in Europe, with its umbilical cord to the African continent. Through the series, we encounter species at their best, from intimate situations, to predation and action scenes. Spectacular blue chip filming provides evidence from the field while graphics will help to understand the geological process that shaped these two areas of our planet, and how the species colonize them. Six episodes that will immerse us in the vastness life exuberance of these unique places on earth. A series that conclusively proves that diversity blooms whenever its given a fighting chance. Episodes: 1. THE GREAT BRIDGE When the Isthmus of Panama closed four million years ago, the two largest oceans of the planet were separated and massive geological events created a unique place that would grow some of the most fascinating life on Earth. Intense volcanic activity created what is now known as Central America, and it began to be colonized by amazing creatures that gradually colonized every new island. Discover five incredibly diverse regions within this ecosystem: the wetlands of the Caribbean, the Southern Caribbean, the North Pacific, the Corcovado Peninsula, and the central mountain range. 2.TRACKS IN THE JUNGLE Central America is home to some of the most breathtaking animals in the world. In vast and dramatic forests, several dynamic species of animal cohabitate from the fierce jaguar to the clever monkey. Let these ambassadors of the wild show you the splendors of their homes. 3. NATURE'S ERECTOR SET This is a long, mountainous passage where hundreds of thousands of species of plants and animals live. The umbilical cord that linked the continents also created one of the richest and most diverse places on earth the Caribbean rain-forests. These exotic destinations are the home to the magnificent and lonely Quetzals. Explore the Pacific coast of Central America and take flight with these rollicking spectacles of nature. 4 THE OLD WORLD CONNECTION This program explores the formation of the Iberian Peninsula and its introduction of fascinating plants and animals to the ecosystems of Central America. With warm sheltering tropics in its southern regions and a mountainous north of wet and old Euro-Siberian forests, the Iberian Peninsula contains a variety and distinctive character all its own. Come along and marvel at the strange, beautiful riches it holds. 5. FORESTS BETWEEN TWO WORLDS From the placid wood grouse, to large herbivores like the chamois and the Spanish ibex, to dynamic predators like bears and wolves, this program chronicles life in the animal worlds of this lush and varied region. Learn how two opposing worlds were joined in a single territory that remained isolated by the Pyrenees Mountains. The results are a collection of forgotten places, exciting animals, and unique splendors. 6. THE MEDITERRANEAN PUZZLE The flow of species from Mediterranean Iberia and Africa creates a rich variety of fauna that leaves the land and landscape deeply transformed. During the summer, eagles, vultures, storks and Passeriformes fly from Africa to Europe. Some species make it to the peninsula without crossing the barrier of the Pyrenees, but other African travelers conquer the continent little by little: from the black-winged kite, to the Genet, to the Egyptian mongoose, to the chameleon. This program takes a close look at this visiting population.
- Série de TVCauses and consequences of non-substance addictions consumed by teenagers through their cell phones' screens: social media, porn and online gaming.
- Jairo Zavala (also known as Depedro), a Spanish singer and songwriter with African and Latin-American roots and member of the indie-rock band Calexico, is invited by Angel Carmona to participate in a series of radio interviews. As an omniscient narrator, Carmona's radio voice strings together Zavala's adventures through Senegal on the trail of a particular griot: Lamine Konte. On this journey from Dakar to Casamance he witnesses the return on stage of an "afromandinga" music band doomed into oblivion 30 years ago, the Dieuf-Dieul de Thies. There, he gets to know about the African music genres that went to America only to return home, such as the soul, rock, rumba, etc., and the griot mysticism of Casamance, Land of Kings, where Zavala seeks the inspirations to compose the soundtrack of the journey itself.
- Laura Gangoso is a researcher who annually surveys the Eleonora's falcon on the barren islet of Alegranza, a raptor synchronized with the wind. Scientific objectivity is tested against the emotional aspects of the research.
- In a town where ambitions are ephemeral, a man dared to challenge those who always augured a black future in football. 'You will never triumph', people used to tell to this courageous and enthusiastic bank employee who dedicated most of his spare time to his passion. First as player and then as coach, 'El Zurdo' was increasing his fame in Casilda and its surroundings. Then he would revolutionize every team he coached. His professional rigor gave him results in an unusual competition. Years later, the world would know him as Jorge Sampaoli.