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- Master cartoonist Tekin Aral inspired Arap Yasar from Üsküdar, Arap Kadri's most important characteristic is that he is extremely fond of his freedom. He lives in the forest and doesn't recognize many rules. In the forest, there is an order established by Tarzan.
- The paths of Demir, an idealistic advertising writer approaching his 40s, and a rap enthusiast Dagra, who is in his 20s somehow cross. Together they embark on an interesting road to regain their lost respect for life.
- La storia di un normale sviluppatore di software interessato alle criptovalute, ignaro delle sue capacità, e che incontra il «mondo reale» grazie a una «intelligenza artificiale» da lui sviluppata.
- Two young people who do not know each other but sweat for the same purpose, do not stop believing in themselves even for a moment and find each other with the unifying power of music.
- La Regina Nera e la sua nuova aiutante, Kali, iniziano a perdere tutte le loro muse. Nese, Can, Asli, Akin e Bora intraprendono un'avventura alla ricerca di una musa al richiamo del Re delle Fiabe.
- Aleyna Tilki's first international single Retrograde.