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- Il col. Guile e vari altri eroi delle arti marziali combattono contro la tirannia del dittatore M. Bison e delle sue coorti.
- In un futuro distopico, Joseph Dredd, il giudice più famoso (un ufficiale di polizia con poteri giudiziari sul campo), viene condannato per un crimine che non ha commesso e deve affrontare la sua controparte omicida.
- Alex Corvis returns to the world of the living to solve the murder of a young woman that he was wrongly accused of.
- Russell Proco has been expelled from several schools for lewd, crude and nude conduct. Busterburger University is his last chance for an education and for pleasing his disappointed parents.
- A toy factory worker, mentally scarred as a child upon learning Santa Claus is not real, suffers a nervous breakdown after being belittled at work, and embarks on a Yuletide killing spree.
- Horror film legends Donald Pleasence and Nancy Allen serve as the hosts and narrators for a compilation of scenes from many science fiction, crime drama, and horror movies of the 1930s through the 1980s.
- Song writer Mark Devereaux accidentally calls millions of green Martians to invade Earth. No they aren't dangerous, just wise-cracking, intrusive, pain in neck, annoyances. No one can escape their distracting influence. It's up to Mark to figure out how they got here, and most importantly, how to get rid of them before they drive everyone crazy!
- Deleted scenes from Street Fighter (1994).