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1-7 di 7
- Una pacata considerazione dei successi e delle sconfitte della vita di tutti i giorni, accompagnata dalla poesia presente nei suoi più piccoli dettagli.
- A lesser clown's bid to join an elite circus hinges on his final test: asking out his clown crush.
- Bob Ballard reveals the inside stories behind his most exciting discoveries, while sharing the personal triumphs, challenges and tragedies that led him to them.
- A sheltered young man is shocked to learn of his town's bloodstained history.
- Veronica is an optimistic college student with hopes and dreams rising above society's discouragement of idealism.
- In an unorthodox mental hospital run by a despotic doctor, an institutionalized man is exposed to a questionable form of treatment while his concerned mother pleads for the release of what is left of her son.
- A high-flying weather observation plane skirts the earth-space boundary zone in a search for sprites, which are fleeting flashes that flicker upwards from thunderstorms for a split-second.