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- Behind the Mask: The Story Of The People Who Risk Everything To Save Animals is a 2006 documentary film about the Animal Liberation Front. It took three years of filming, interviewing, and editing to complete.
- Die anhaltende Beziehung zwischen Punkrock und Tierschutz und wie die Musik zu einem Nährboden für veganen Aktivismus wurde.
- Documentary about the legendary Animal Liberation Front activist Keith Mann and several convicted activists from the UK.
- Test Subjects explores the pressure on aspiring scientists to experiment on animals in order to earn their diplomas.
- A recent change in U.S. law has brought to an end decades of medical testing on chimpanzees. Animal lover Sue Perkins travels to rural Louisiana to visit America's national chimp sanctuary to see how they and the chimps are coping.
- Tia and Jake are determined to find one of Villalobos' most unique-looking pit bulls a new home but when a promising adopter backs out, they are forced to step up their efforts. Parolee Billy is causing tension at Villalobos and Tia must intervene.