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- Un anziano attraversa il paese utilizzando solo gli autobus locali.
- Hamada is seemingly a regular high school, junior student. He is indeed ordinary except he has a passion for righteousness and justice. His trait comes to the fore when he notices that his junior school-mate Hari is being bullied. He does not abide by it and decides to step in and help her. His intervention is welcomed and she seems him as a white knight of sorts. It is not a surprise then that the school girl and school boy become close.
- Long, sicario di professione, accetta un compito in Giappone. Quando le cose si mettono male, deve fuggire. Gravemente ferito, si rifugia in una zona deserta di una piccola città.
- Shintaro Ando (Alan Shirahama) has become Noble Dori after various confrontations. Now, the noble group, who are led by Shintaro Ando, has battles over the title of Legend ("Densetsu") against the prince group, who are led by Kanade Suzaku (Ryota Katayose).
- In 16th century Japan, a young man has to choose between becoming a master steel maker like his father and grandfather before him, or becoming a samurai so that he can help protect his village from attacks by the various clans which want the high-quality steel made there.