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1-7 di 7
- Quattro ragazze trascorrono una giornata in una spiaggia deserta. Sulla collina una casa disabitata, in lontananza un grosso SUV scuro con due sconosciuti a bordo. Nessuna di loro è Winona, solo alla fine sarà tutto chiaro.
- Three men head towards a turning point in their lives.
- Photophobic Zano, arrives in the city for the very first time. The year is 1984 and Athens beckons. A vampire and a fine dancer, Zano quickly gets devoured by the dark underbelly of the capital city. All he really wants is a ''warm'' girl.
- Una faccia si fonde con l'altra. Il filo che unisce i mondi dei due protagonisti, Niki e Lefteris, è la memoria, la violenza e la speranza.
- Seventeen monologues about a gym that doesn't exist, about a film that was never shot, about the actors of the film, about the words that made them true characters.
- A strange, muffled emotional charge pervades Pantelis Voulgaris's Goat Dance, a cornerstone of Greek ethnographic documentary: as we watch, step by step, the preparations for the Skyros Carnival, while the islanders dress up in the bizarre costumes that transform them into terrifying, grotesque creatures, half human and half animal, we feel that order is slowly being disrupted - and so much the better. Carnival is a wild time everywhere - the breakdown of order is, after all, its raison d'être - but in Skyros the feast of misrule seems to preserve something of the ancient, pre-Christian Dionysianism that once flourished in the Greek archipelago. Without verbal commentary, the film records, with wonder and awe, the deviation from the norm in which a whole community briefly indulges, conveying something of the festive yet unsettling atmosphere of a spectacle that unites an entire island.
- Two ghosts, the girl and the woman.