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- A historia da Diana Bishop, historiadora e bruxa.
- Wonder Woman finds herself battling two opponents, Maxwell Lord, a shrewd entrepreneur, and Barbara Minerva, a friend-turned-foe. Meanwhile, she also ends up crossing paths with her love interest.
- Uma família lamenta a morte de sua filha em um atentado suicida. Enquanto isso, seu irmão suspeita que ela ainda está viva depois de vislumbrá-la em uma reportagem e parte para encontrá-la no Oriente Médio.
- Dominick Birdsey relata seu relacionamento problemático com Thomas, seu irmão gêmeo, que é esquizofrênico, e seus esforços para tirá-lo de um asilo.
- Quando um assassinato horrível choca Los Angeles em 1938, o detetive Tiago Vega e seu parceiro Lewis Michener estão envolvidos em uma história épica que reflete a rica história da cidade.
- Uma dona de casa rica é forçada a regressar à sua cidade natal na Austrália, onde é forçada a confrontar o seu passado e as razões pelas quais partiu há anos atrás.
- Segue um grupo de jovens enquanto elas navegam pelo mundo predominantemente masculino do skate.
- A look at the life and work of New York power broker Roy Cohn.
- Exploring Natalie Wood's life and career through the unique perspective of her daughter, Natasha Gregson Wagner, and others who knew her best.
- O culto germânico 'Colonia Dignidad' abusou de crianças, torturou e matou prisioneiros em seu complexo secreto. Agora, sem o ditador chileno Pinochet, Leo Ramírez, um jovem promotor federal, deve levar seu líder Paul Schaefer à justiça.
- After paranoid schizophrenic Thomas Birdsey has a violent public breakdown, Dominick Birdsey finds himself stepping up to defend his identical twin brother in unexpected ways.
- Syrian civil war escalates dramatically as the Islamic State gains more territory, purging cities and villages. Parisian Antoine Habert believes he recognizes his dead sister and flies to Turkey to learn more about the woman in the video.
- Antoine is interrogated by a YPJ officer and treated as an ISIS prisoner. The arrival of three British jihadists dramatically changes the balance of power between ISIS and the Kurds.
- Antoine joins a mission and is attacked by ISIS troops. The British Jihadists aren't all they seem.
- Antoine, Sarya and the volunteers settle in a Kurdish village, and wait for Shamaran's battalion to arrive. The Kurdish village is spared, but the Jihads - under the Nasser's command - defeat the Kurdish female fighters in the frontline.
- After accepting that Anna is dead, Antoine decides to leave Syria and go back home. However, the entire region was taken by ISIS. Sarya is tasked to escort Antoine back to the Kurdish capital.
- Explores Anna's story chronologically, from the moment she left Paris.
- After killing a man and saving Sarya's life, Antoine cannot leave Syria and volunteers to fight alongside the Kurds. Anna arrives to base and Antoine realizes that Anna knew he was looking for her.
- ISIS reinforcements are pouring to the area of the assassination, forcing Anna to run. Nasser is evacuated to ISIS HQ but Paul discovers his betrayal. At a secure location, Stanley introduces Nasser to his new handler: Anna.
- Federal prosecutor Leo Ramírez is tasked with arresting Paul Schäfer, the leader of the German sect "Colonia Dignidad" in southern Chile, on charges of child abuse. Leo grew up in Colonia, but left when his brother died 20 years ago. It's the first time back from him.
- Leo takes Klaus to his sister Carmen's house. He is initially unsure if he can trust Klaus, but a shared memory proves Klaus is his brother. Leo and Pamela discover that Hausmann forged Pedro's death certificate.
- After Pamela convinces Leo to get professional help, he reveals details about their childhood.
- Leo visits a pastor who attended a party in Colonia on the day Pedro 'died'. Among the guests were Manuel Contreras, former head of Chile's secret police, and an unidentified German businessman.
- In Santiago, Caro and her colleague Hannelore make some discoveries about the German businessman.