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- 1943. Franco has blocked the path of the Jews fleeing Nazi oppression over the Pyrenees mountains. At the border crossing in a small village, Manel Grau, a civil servant with a Republican past, decides to go against the orders of his superiors and aid the Jews across the border, with the help of Juliana, a fellow inhabitant of the village, and Jérôme, a French smuggler. Between them, they will start a crusade to help as many Jews as they possibly can. It is then that Manel will find himself embroiled in a dangerous odyssey, that will awaken in him and his wife, Mercé, old ghosts of the still-recent Spanish Civil War.
- Barcelona 1929-1931: The Universal Exposition has begun and the city is experiencing a period of great splendor and reckless squandering with the Stock Market Crash of 1929 would soon bring to a halt. "Vida privada" is a story about three generations of one family and reflects the decadence of Barcelona's bourgeoisie in the early 20th century.
- 2021–Episodio TV