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- Emmet, un normale lavoratore edile scambiato per l'eroe di un antica profezia, viene reclutato per una missione per sconfiggere Lord Business, un tiranno che vuole incollare l'intero universo LEGO.
- Bruce Wayn deve sconfiggere i soliti super criminali che tentano di impadronirsi di Gotham City, e allo stesso tempo prendersi cura in un orfano che ha adottato e che desidera diventare suo compagno di avventure.
- Sono passati cinque anni da quando tutto è andato per il meglio e i cittadini si trovano di fronte a una nuova terribile minaccia: gli invasori LEGO DUPLO® provenienti dallo spazio, che distruggono tutto più rapidamente di quanto non si riesca a ricostruirlo.
- Un temibile e indisciplinato gruppo di ninja moderni deve imparare a controllare il proprio orgoglio, a collaborare per scatenare una vera potenza e a sconfiggere il diabolico Garmadon.
- Two teenagers and their assistants go around capturing all the ghosts in town with their phones.
- On the Dr. Quinn Show The Joker is breaking up with his longtime enemy, Batman.
- Master Wu finds his title as martial arts master challenged by his pet chicken.
- There's nothing like the holidays in Apocalypseburg.
- Batman applies for the Justice League of America, but his leanings towards Canadian culture give him away as being better suited for the "Ligue de Justice du Canada".
- Alfred, Batmans faithful butler, is trying to show Batman and Dick how to make a perfect omelette.
- An audition for the sound effects of a laser gun for the Lego Batman Movie. Will Bane, Poison Ivy, The Riddler or Catwoman be good enough?
- The short itself is a humorous promo for a Stand-up comedy DVD starring Zane.
- The president of Hollywood sits down with Emmet and changes up the plot of The Lego Movie to prominently feature Ninjas for marketing purposes.
- The short follows a baby Shark who tries make it's way back the Ocean after getting shot out of Garmadon's Shark cannon. The short is animated in the style of the artwork seen in Lego instruction booklets.
- Enter the Batcave to join the real LEGO Batman for a wild ride-along in the Batmobile and a soaring sky patrol on the Batplane. Once you recover, you'll have a chance to prove your mad super sidekick skills are the real deal as you help take down Gotham's rogues. Then, get ready to party down with Batman and his superhero friends. You'll have the sweetest, virtually realest time of your life.
- Let your young child build creative, virtual play houses with fun, brightly-colored LEGO® DUPLO® bricks, and play out everyday life with characters, pets and simple routines and scenarios they know from their own life.