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- Arnold, dessen Lebensstil auf einem abgewrackten Hausboot in Chelseas Cheyne Walk in krassem Gegensatz zu der wohlhabenden Elite steht, deren Verbrechen er zusammen mit seiner Partnerin Priya Shamsie aufklären hilft.
- Pearl Nolan gründet eine lokale Detektei, nachdem sie in einer früheren Karriere eine Polizeiausbildung absolviert hat. Bald wird sie in ihren ersten Fall verwickelt, als sie die Leiche ihres engen Freundes Vinnie entdeckt.
- Rebecca Gibney und Charles Edwards spielen zwei Großstädter, die ein marodes Weingut im ländlichen Neuseeland erben.
- Folgt den Detektiven einer Elitemordkommission in London.
- Faith, eine walisische Anwältin aus der Kleinstadt, muss ihren verlängerten Mutterschaftsurlaub abbrechen, als ihr Ehemann und Geschäftspartner, Evan, vermisst wird. Als die Wahrheit seiner Handlungen auftaucht, muss Faith kämpfen, um ihre Familie und ihren Verstand zu schützen.
- Es gilt, den Mörder einer reichen, glamourösen Erbin zu finden, die tot in ihrem Londoner Stadthaus aufgefunden wird. Basierend auf einer Kurzgeschichte von Agatha Christie.
- Agatha Christies Ermittlerpaar Tommy (David Walliams) und Tuppence (Jessica Raine) gehen gemeinsam mysteriösen Verbrechen nach, decken politische Verschwörungen auf und haben es mit feindlichen Spionen zu tun.
- Maggie and Tom Cabbott move to the town of Pelorus to escape the oppressive influence of Tom's family. But when he disappears, unsettling facts about Tom soon come to light and the search brings long-buried wounds to the surface.
- Als ihr Mann Lee ermordet wird, muss Sarah Manning feststellen, dass sie nichts über seine Vergangenheit weiß. Sarah beginnt zu hinterfragen, wer Lee wirklich war und was er in seiner Arbeit für eine mächtige globale Organisation tat.
- Set in 1880s Ireland in the Victorian-era heyday of 'postmortem photography,' the six-episode period drama follows a renowned memorial photographer who is drawn into a series of apparent murders that appear to be linked to his work.
- Das Band, das sich zwischen dem ehemaligen Betrüger Harry King und der idealistischen Polizistin Camille Delmasse entwickelt.
- Registrar Kate Dickinson tries to balance her personal life with the daily dramas of births, deaths and marriages and the impact they have upon her and her staff at the local Register Office in Leeds.
- After a family member is murdered, con woman Silvia decides to get even by robbing the crime boss behind the hit. But things go awry, and she has to flee to New Zealand and start a completely different life.
- Desperate to pay back the $330,000, Zoe comes to Maggie with a surprising proposal, dragging Maggie into negotiations with a dangerous crime family. Tom and Ryan learn each other's true identities, leading to a tense confrontation.
- Maggie heads back to town after the confrontation with Tom, while Jack delivers the bad news about Ryan. Esther makes an unexpected ally in her search for the Cabbotts' missing money.
- Maggie Cabbott arrives in Pelorus, New Zealand to join her husband Tom. The locals are lukewarm about their plans to start a salmon fishery. The plan starts poorly after Tom goes missing after a kayaking trip.
- Maggie is upset when the Police downgrade their efforts to find Tom. Tom's father sends accountant Esther to help the family. Tom takes shelter inside an abandoned building.
- Maggie identifies Jack's daughter Zoe as the woman in the photographs on Tom's phone, but Zoe has fled town. The search-and-rescue team makes a shocking discovery.
- As Esther puts together the final pieces of the puzzle, Maggie makes a decision about the business. After a threat from Frank, Maggie prepares to leave Pelorus, but Tom has other ideas.
- Stranded and injured, Tom reluctantly accepts help from Ryan, a passing Bushman who has secrets of his own. Maggie works with Tom's business partner to track down a sleazy environmental specialist.
- Maggie reunites with Tom at the shrine, but they disagree about what to do next. As they recount the events that led them to New Zealand, the couple grow more and more at odds with each other.
- Mattie investigates a new victim who was stabbed in the back with a kitchen knife. While searching for clues, she finds the recording the lead singer made before she died, but an incident from the past may be the key to solving the case.
- Contending with another murder and a missing lead actress, the theatre company is forced to switch up the cast, but their production is a mess. Despite Mattie's objections, Beth and Cat continue to pursue leads on their own.
- With another killing and Beth a suspect, Mattie races to solve the case and clear her aunt's name.
- Sylvia Fox goes to Umbria for the wedding of her niece, Alice. But the groom, Tommaso, disappears, leaving a woman's body in the lake at the bottom of his garden.