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- Das abgeschiedene Dorf Wiesenwalde wird auf den Kopf gestellt, als ein amerikanisches Filmteam dort eine Serie über den Zweiten Weltkrieg dreht.
- Malina wacht orientierungslos im Kofferraum eines rasenden Autos auf und stellt zu ihrem Entsetzen fest, dass ihr mehr fehlt als ihr Gedächtnis.
- Eine mysteriöse Anwendung namens "Wunschliste" kommt zu einer Gruppe von Jugendlichen. Es erfüllt jeden persönlichen Wunsch, wenn eine spezielle Aufgabe erfüllt wird - jetzt müssen sie sich mit dieser Verantwortung auseinandersetzen.
- A young woman's tinder feed leads her to a horrific encounter.
- 2019– 32m167,7 (1110)FernsehepisodeWhen his girlfriend breaks up with him after spending the year abroad, Moritz schemes to win her back by snagging a stash of ecstasy.
- 2019– 29m167,8 (991)FernsehepisodeLisa lands in trouble with her parents. Moritz reprograms MyTems into an online drug store and tries to make amends to Lenny.
- 2019– 28m167,7 (939)FernsehepisodeBusiness is booming, and Buba wants a piece of the action - but the product is getting bad reviews. Lisa thinks Dan has been ignoring her.
- 2019– 28m167,8 (919)FernsehepisodeMoritz's reputation takes a hit. After discovering a troubling email, Lenny confides in a new friend. Jens enlists Moritz to crack a password.
- 2019– 24m167,9 (908)FernsehepisodeLenny sets up the clear web shop while Moritz secretly meets a new supplier in Rotterdam. But the friends don't see eye to eye about their future.
- 2019– 28m168,4 (1023)FernsehepisodeThings begin to unravel the day after the party, and Moritz is forced to turn to his rival for help. Lisa has a change of heart.
- After making a million euros, the guys decide they want out of MyDrugs, so a nervous Moritz goes to Rotterdam to break the news to their suppliers.
- 2019– 34m167,7 (669)FernsehepisodeAs Moritz continues navigating an intricate web of lies spun by himself, he gets increasingly worried about Lisa finding out about his involvement in MyDrugs. In a high-pressure situation, Daniel comes up with an idea.
- 2019– 34m168,0 (659)FernsehepisodeInspired by the results of a career test, Moritz embraces his role as CEO - but loses his cool when Lenny suggests Kira join the team.
- 2019– 32m168,1 (649)FernsehepisodeFollowing a dangerous standoff, the guys search for a way to convert their bitcoins into cash, and Moritz's many lies start to catch up with him.
- 2019– 34m168,0 (637)FernsehepisodeMoritz confides in Lisa, who warns him to clean up his act. Later, a tempting offer from Goodtimes tests his loyalty to Lenny and Dan.
- The guys' rivalry heats up. At a party in Rotterdam, Moritz gets a rude awakening and tries to warn his friends.
- 2022–20259,5 (27)Fernsehepisode