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- Un agente infiltrato si sveglia e si ritrova imprigionato in un sito della CIA su un sottomarino.
- Un gruppo di ragazze si perde su una strada sterrata casuale. L'autista del carro attrezzi le rimorchia nella sua discarica. Tutto pare normale finché non si svegliano legate le braccia agli arti e cominciano la lotta della loro vita.
- A murderous shapeshifter sets out on a blood-soaked mission to make things right with the woman he loves.
- A rare glimpse into the legendary career of wrestling icon, Vampiro, as he grapples with his demons and life after fame. Straight from one of wrestling's most outspoken characters, this is a candid look beyond the ring.
- A drug addict awakens to find the girl he is with is dead, and must rush to escape the consequences. A real-time thriller presented in a single, unbroken take.
- During the Christmas season, two sisters throw a house party, unaware that a deadly invader will be crashing the proceedings.
- Zaid, a college student, lingers after class to ask his philosophy professor some questions about death. At first she suspects that he's merely cramming for the final exam, but it soon becomes clear that his need for answers is more urgent.
- Two people meet off Craigslist for anonymous sex. While both revel in this spontaneous erogenous tryst at first, their feelings towards each other start to take very different paths.