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- Lara Croft, figlia fieramente indipendente di un avventuriero scomparso, deve spingersi oltre i suoi limiti quando scopre l'isola in cui suo padre è scomparso.
- In un mondo infestato da mostri, Joel scopre che la sua ragazza è a soli ottanta miglia di distanza. Per intraprendere il viaggio pericoloso, lui scopre che il suo eroe interiore è con la ragazza dei suoi sogni.
- Sulle tracce di una ragazza scomparsa, un ex poliziotto incontra un gruppo segreto che cerca di evocare un'entità soprannaturale terrificante.
- Il giovane eroe Thomas intraprende una missione per trovare una cura per la malattia mortale.
- Il colonnello Katherine Powell, un ufficiale dell'esercito al comando di un'operazione per catturare dei terroristi in Kenya, vede aggravarsi la situazione della sua missione quando una ragazza entra nella zona di tiro, scatenando una disputa internazionale sulle implicazioni delle guerre moderne.
- Gli agenti israeliani del Mossad tentano di salvare i rifugiati ebrei etiopi in Sudan nel 1977.
- In un futuro non troppo lontano, come risposta finale al terrorismo e alla criminalità, il governo degli Stati Uniti prevede di trasmettere un segnale che rende impossibile a chiunque commettere atti illeciti.
- Una versione musicale contemporanea della classica storia di Cenerentola in cui la figliastra serva spera di competere in un concorso musicale per una famosa pop star.
- A tale of a dystopian future where an unknown alien group have colonised the earth and humans struggle to fight back.
- Un visitatore alieno assume il controllo del corpo di Barry e lo porta a fare un giro attraverso Città del Capo.
- Dopo la fine dell'apartheid, l'arcivescovo Desmond Tutu incontra un brutale assassino in cerca di redenzione.
- While fighting the Vietnam war, both sides face a new kind of threat that neither of them were prepared for.
- Our primal curiosity has sparked new inventions and revealed the mysteries of the universe. This eight part mini series strives to trace the pivotal innovations that make us modern.
- A legendary meteorologist spends her days on earth attempting to convince the world that her alien lover from an advanced human race existed, and held the only solutions to all our problems on earth.
- After a string of life-changing revelations, a beloved parking attendant pieces a new plan together and chases her dream of traveling the world.
- During a routine surveillance mission, a despotic fighter-pilot suddenly comes under enemy fire. As he executes evasive maneuvers, fueled by adrenaline, a foreign reality begins to crystallize in his mind as he's faced with haunted memories of frail humanity.
- Die Deur deals with the fall out of toxic relationships long after the abuser has left and shows how the long lasting hold it often has lies hidden in between the cracks it left behind.
- 2017– 47m7,0 (83)Episodio TVTravel back in time to explore moments that have made mankind modern. What were the greatest landmarks in the development of our species? And what can our past tell us about our future?
- The human species is in an escalating arms race with superbugs and superviruses - living organisms that attack our bodies, adapt to our treatments, evolve and fight back. Though we've made incredible strides in medical science, we may have to look back to move forward. Can the lessons of the past help us defeat these modern-day plagues?
- 2017– 47mTV-147,3 (56)Episodio TVIn a society filled with human innovation, one invention stands out above them all: money. From a simple act of trade to today's global economy, the meaning of money and what we value changes as civilization evolves. If modern money is a reflection of who we are, what does it say about us? Host Jason Silva takes us on a tour of commerce throughout history to find out.
- 2017– 47mTV-147,6 (46)Episodio TVThis is the story of how our world came to be - how communication defined our species and created the modern age, giving voice to the boundless human imagination, connecting us globally and to the stars. Communication gives us self-expression and collective knowledge - but it can also subvert and corrupt, and even manipulate entire populations.
- Despite all our advances, humans keep inventing terrible new ways to kill each other. What if the same thing that gave us civilization also led to an unending cycle of violence? We learned to work together, and we learned to fight together. Much of our technology was created to fight wars. For all its evils, war is the origin of the modern world.