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- A tripulaçà o do Departamento de Bombeiros do Condado de Los Angeles 51, particularmente a equipe de paramédicos, e o Hospital Rampart respondem a emergências em sua área de operaçà o.
- As aventuras no oeste selvagem de Ben Cartwright e seus filhos enquanto defendem seu rancho em Nevada e ajudam a comunidade.
- As desventuras de duas mulheres solteiras nos anos 50 e 60.
- The Wild West adventures of the Barkley family in California's San Joaquin Valley.
- In an attempt to convince Minnie that he hasn't forgotten to buy her an anniversary present, Mickey Mouse ends up promising to take her to Hawaii.
- Uma sátira de drama policial animado com foco em um policial grisalho e de temperamento curto e seu parceiro heterossexual, o primeiro dos quais é simplesmente um torso masculino inferior.
- The psychiatrist needs a psychiatrist after attempting to treat Woody Woodpecker.
- Duck Dodgers and Marvin Martian wage war over Planet X.
- Thomas, o gato, encontra Piu-Piu na neve, se aquecendo em uma ponta de cigarro. A dona de Thomas salva o passarinho amarelo antes que seu gato possa comê-lo, mas Thomas não desiste.
- Bugs plays every defensive position against the Gashouse Gorillas.
- While vacationing in the Ozark Mountains, Bugs Bunny encounters Curt and Pumpkinhead Martin, two dimwitted hillbillies who are duped by Bugs into a violent square dance.
- Spike the bulldog, grateful to Jerry for getting him out of the dogcatcher's van, offers to help the little mouse any time he whistles. Tom, Jerry's feline tormentor, seeks to overcome this new disadvantage.
- Bugs, the Wolf and bobby-soxer Red chase each other around while Grandma is off working at Lockheed aircraft.
- A bulldog, charmed by a kitten, tries to keep her hidden from his human guardian.
- With a zany ensemble cast of princesses, fairy godmothers, evil queens and trolls, Fractured Fairy Tales presents your favorite childhood stories with a silly modern twist.
- While hunting rabbits, Elmer Fudd comes across Bugs Bunny, who tricks and harasses the hunter.
- Santa and his sleigh crash into some trees while attempting to deliver presents on a foggy Christmas Eve. Rudolph is enlisted to lead the sleigh and is hailed as a hero.
- Bugs is tricked into being the first rabbit shot into space. When he lands on the moon he finds Commander X-2 (later known as Marvin Martian) set to blow up planet Earth.
- Mickey, Donald and Goofy run the "Ajax Ghost Exterminators" agency. They receive a call from lonely and bored ghosts to come to their house where they are scared silly by the hilarious haunts and taunts of these spirited pranksters.
- A jailhouse, a tempting safe, and a sleeping sheriff. Can the two villains make off with the loot without waking him up? Not if deputy Droopy, who is on patrol guarding the safe, has his way. Much of this cartoon is a remake of Rock-a-Bye Bear (1952).
- Sylvester sings opera and popular tunes while standing on a back alley fence; Elmer, who wants to sleep, tries to thwart him.
- Bugs challenges Cecil Turtle to race, only this time he's wearing an aerodynamic suit like Cecil's. Unfortunately, the gambling ring has bet everything on the rabbit, and Bugs now looks like a tortoise.
- Daffy is an agent representing Sleepy Lagoon trying to sell him to talent scout Porky. Daffy spends a great deal of time and energy explaining and demonstrating what the kid can do, while the kid sits on a couch licking a giant sucker.
- In her only color cartoon, Betty Boop goes to the ball thanks to her fairy godmother; later, only her foot fits the glass slipper.
- When Tom's harassment gets out of hand, Jerry writes to his Cousin Muscles, a tough inner city mouse, and asks for his help.