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- Eighteen year old Laura, who works at a $22,000 job as a receptionist at a spa, wants to appear the most beautiful, glamorous person in any situation. She spends all her money on designer clothes, accessories and beauty treatments. Her goal is to have a different outfit for every day of the year. She dreams of becoming a model, but has no money for an agent or to put together a portfolio. She also plans to go to college as a backup if the modeling does not come to fruition. She has done nothing to work toward any of these two goals from a financial perspective. She manipulates her boyfriend Nitin into spending money on her, he who questions their relationship because of it. One of her friends, Ashley, believes the people who approved Laura's credit cards are the stupidest people in the world as they will never see the money Laura charges on it. Her mother Sue, with who Laura lives and who pays for most of Laura's needs to the tune of about $1,000 per month, realizes that Laura's behavior is much her own fault for not forcing Laura to understand the value of money and how to manage it. Gail issues Laura challenges to see what it would be like to handle those aspects of life that Sue currently handles for her, to do some long term planning to see what it would take to work toward her goals including if they are realistic, and to look at how to live the way she wants on her budget.