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- The most effective horror movies play on viewers' senses. From Alfred Hitchcock to M. Night Shyamalan, horror-film makers have always loved messing with our visual and auditory perception, using camera trickery, calculated shot composition, and immersive sound design to instill fear in their audiences. In this short documentary, Insider provides a breakdown of some of their go-to techniques and explains what makes these classic horror devices so effective at crafting fear.
- All over the world, angry crowds are clashing with over-armed security forces. The second part of Paul Moreira's investigation sheds light on the causes of this repressive shift. In France, the United States, Germany and elsewhere, the focus has shifted from maintaining order to controlling demonstrators - and the weapon emblematic of this shift is the LBD (defensive bullet launcher).
- Charles Wheeler examines the French side and how victory in World War I left the country ill prepared for further conflict.