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- A dry-witted narrative that follows a year in the life of six friends who have found themselves trapped in a rut in the time following college. It's been four years since graduation, and Wade Hinkle, the group's most cynical bachelor, is still stewing over the loss of his social life. A series of weddings splits the group apart until the bizarre death of a college mate.
- A four-part chronicle of Phoenix young adults, trying to figure out what the hell went wrong while tripping on bad acid.
- Two men discover that a burglar has stashed the haul from a very lucrative robbery. Both men want the money and have no interest in sharing, which leads to a desperate search and a violent confrontation.
- To save a TV talk show that's dying in the ratings, the producer decides to do a controversial episode on racism, inviting representatives from four hate groups, a Neo-Nazi, a Black Hebrew Israelite, a Black Muslim, and a White Separatist.
- A young artist's success with controversial paintings clashes with his father's political hopes.