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- Un registro comprometedor puede cambiar la historia. ¿Sacrificarás a tu familia por tu país?
- En la primavera de 1912, Alma Mahler, recientemente viuda y Gran Dama de la Sociedad de Viena, se relaciona con el "Enfant Terrible" de la escena artística del momento, Oskar Kokoschka.
- Young director Honza David (Krystof Hádek) films the Russian invasion in in Prague in August 1968. With Eva (Vica Kerekes) - the love of his life - he tries to get out of the country. He wants to bring the explosive material to Vienna, to the director of the Austrian Television Helmut Zilk (Johannes Zeiler). He knows Eva very well - but the Czech Secret Service even better ...
- The hero of the new film comedy Marek is a typical example of a young Mimone, living in his own universe. It's smart and kind astrophysics student, whose greatest love is not only stars, but also horoscopes. His career, however, he one day crosses the dream girl and Marek falls hopelessly so that the school can not even do the test. At this moment things are worn to his friends committed. They decide to call for help and dedication to Mark's problems his father, who is a successful publisher of a series of bestsellers on the topic: how to get a woman. Together, they begin to prepare Marek great strategy game, thanks to which he would be able to find your way to the beloved girl. It had, however, setting the stage for many a big bummer. Marek under the guidance of his father and friends undertake a very peculiar psychology course girls. This applies, however, in the lives of the 10 rules exactly as guaranteed by the books?
- Situated in Prague, a 20-year-old Vietnamese named Song, hoped for a better future in Europe. But now in a Vietnamese district in Prague, he is trapped in a marijuana grow house and has life of a modern slave. Police rounds up the place. Song runs away on the rooftop of a condo building in a nearby district where he breaks down. Mr. Rypar (78) lives alone. He is fond of the old times, living in a strong opposition to modern world. Rypar goes up on the roof and meets Song standing on the very edge of the roof crying and the story begins.
- When David creates a fake Instagram account to communicate with his increasingly distant and successful girlfriend, his insecurities push him to test her loyalty.