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- Action Johnson is not the average lawman. He likes making justice with his own hands. Johnson prefers to work alone, but sometimes he teams up with the biggest bad-asses in order to defeat the ones that deserve to have their asses kicked.
- Why is metal so strong? How do you melt metal? Who works with metal? To find out more join Kellyn, resident scientist Clare and the 'BrainBuzz crew' as they brainstorm the answers to your questions.
- Professor Cranium has heard of some new technology that will help him over take the world. - But what will he choose to do with the new 'lasers'? Does he even know what he is talking about or what lasers are actually used for? We already know that a laser is different to a torch because the light doesn't spread out, it stays in a thin, concentrated line. Kellyn crosses to Clare in the 'Think Tank' where she explains the laser and our "BrainBuzz crew" use a series of mirrors to complete a laser maze. They use this concept to create a maze using mirrors to get the laser beam to travel in all different directions. Road safety officer, Johnathan brings in a Radar Gun. Kellyn and the "BrainBuzz crew" check out the science behind how it works, and set up some speedy radio controlled cars to check their speed. Kellyn has pretty awful eyesight, so she is very interested in visiting an ophthalmologist. There she checks out an operating theatre and the equipment used for laser eye surgery. Resident Scientist, Clare spends some time in a factory. We will see a laser cutting system in place and learn how the laser has revolutionized the way we build things today.
- 2018– 24mÉpisode téléviséWhat do Lizards, Snakes and Alligators have in common? They are all reptiles. Kellyn, Resident Scientist Clare and the 'BrainBuzz crew' are joined (not live) by Charles Darwin to answer questions reptilian to win reptile skin cream. GROSS.
- Why do we feel dizzy when we spin? How do taste buds work? How do we feel things we touch? Kellyn, Resident Scientist Clare and the BrainBuzz Crew are joined (not live) by Benjamin Franklin and 'The 5 Senses' to answer sensory questions.
- Why are rocks hard? Can they be hollow? What can rocks be used for? Join Kellyn, Resident Scientist Clare, the BrainBuzz Crew and (not live) Sir Douglas Mawson to answer all your hard rock questions, and win some Hard Rock.
- Where does wind come from? What's a cyclone? How do we predict the weather? Kellyn, Resident Scientist Clare, and the BrainBuzz crew are joined (not live) by Anders Celsius and Gabriel Fahrenheit to forecast answers to weather questions.
- How do rock climbers climb so fast? And why do we have fun doing adventurous things? Kellyn, Resident Scientist Clare and the BrainBuzz crew are joined (not live) by Adventure Man to brainstorm answers to your adrenaline pumping questions.
- Will robots ever think for themselves? How do you tell robots what to do? Do robots fly? Kellyn, Resident Scientist Clare and the 'BrainBuzz crew' are joined (not live) by Rob the Robot to brainstorm answers to your questions about Robots.
- Are spiders' insects? How does a caterpillar turn into a butterfly? Why are bees so important? Kellyn, Resident Scientist Clare and the BrainBuzz Crew are joined (not live) by Doug the Dung Beetle to answer your bug related questions.
- How does a hovercraft work? Why do we have public transport? And why do we see wires above trams? Join Kellyn, Resident Scientist Clare, the BrainBuzz Crew and (not live) Charles Kingsford Smith to answer all your transport questions.
- How does electricity work? How does electricity get into our homes? What other ways can we generate electricity? Kellyn, Resident Scientist Clare and the BrainBuzz crew are joined (not live) by Tesla and Edison; sparks will fly.
- How do airplanes stay in the air? How do helicopters work? Do bats fly like birds? Kellyn, Resident Scientist Clare and the BrainBuzz Crew are joined (not live) by the Wright Brothers, and someone will win a VIP flight in the Spruce Goose.
- How do marine mammals stay warm? What is a dugong? Who cares for rescued marine mammals? Join Kellyn, Resident Scientist Clare, the BrainBuzz Crew and Pedro Polar Bear who answer all your questions about Marine Mammals.
- Can you defy gravity? How fast does a skydiver fall? Can you slide up a water slide? Kellyn, Resident Scientist Clare, and the BrainBuzz crew are joined (not live) by Albert Einstein to answer all your gravity defying questions.
- 2018– 24mÉpisode téléviséHow is a racing car different from a normal car? Can anyone drive a race car? Kellyn, Resident Scientist Clare and the BrainBuzz crew are joined (not live) by Karl Benz to brainstorm answers to your petrol fueled questions.
- How does fire burn? How do you become a firefighter? Kellyn, Resident Scientist Clare and the 'BrainBuzz crew' are joined (not live) by Clancy the Cave Man to answer all your questions about fire. It's a scorcher of a show.
- 2018– 24mÉpisode téléviséWhat's the difference between venomous and poisonous? Can venom be used for good? Kellyn, Resident Scientist Clare and the BrainBuzz Crew are joined (not live) by Coney the Cone Shell to answer your stinging questions about venom.
- What is DNA? And are all fingerprints unique? What sort of clues do police look for? Join Kellyn, Resident Scientist Clare, the BrainBuzz Crew and (not live) Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson to solve all your crime busting questions.
- 2018– 30mÉpisode téléviséWhat's the most important thing ever invented? How long has the bicycle been around? Kellyn, Resident Scientist Clare, and the BrainBuzz crew are joined (not live) by Leonardo Da Vinci to answer questions about Famous Inventors.
- What is air made out of? What's inside of a lightbulb? What powers a train? Kellyn, Resident Scientist Clare and the BrainBuzz crew are joined (not live) by the gas Carbon Dioxide to brainstorm answers to your questions about Elements.
- Do animals have the same senses as humans? Do birds see better than humans? Kellyn, Resident Scientist Clare and the BrainBuzz Crew are joined (not live) by Barry the Micro-Bat as they echo-locate answers to questions about animal senses.
- Why is our brain important? What are the different parts of your Brain? Kellyn, Resident Scientist Clare, and the BrainBuzz Crew are joined (not live) by James the Jellyfish to answer your questions about the Brain. It's a head scratcher.
- Why do onions make your eyes water? Are there different styles of cooking? How is chocolate made? Kellyn, Resident Scientist Clare and the BrainBuzz crew are joined (not live) by Percy Spencer to answer all your questions about cooking.
- 2018– 30mÉpisode téléviséCan you start a fire by rubbing two sticks together? And why is ice slippery? Kellyn, Resident Scientist Clare and the BrainBuzz crew are joined (not live) by Leonardo da Vinci as they brainstorm answers to your questions about Friction.