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- Jep Gambardella tem seduzido sua vida noturna de luxo em Roma por décadas, mas após seu aniversário 65, e um choque do passado, Jep olha para além das boates e festas para encontrar uma paisagem atemporal de beleza absurda.
- Um romance de férias resulta em um relacionamento obsessivo, quando uma fotógrafa australiana acorda uma manhã em um apartamento em Berlim e não consegue sair.
- A vida e obra do fotógrafo Sebastião Salgado, que passou quarenta anos documentando sociedades privadas em lugares ocultos do mundo.
- Um adolescente prodígio em matemática e socialmente desajeitado encontra nova confiança e novas amizades quando consegue uma vaga no time britânico para a Olimpíada Internacional de Matemática.
- Um grupo de trabalhadores humanitários trabalha para resolver uma crise em uma área de conflito.
- Argélia, 1954. Dois homens muitos diferentes enfrentam juntos um país em turbulência em que são obrigados a fugir para as montanhas Atlas. Daru é um professor que vive isolado e que tem de escoltar Mohamed, um aldeão acusado de homicídio.
- A cattle herder and his family who reside in the dunes of Timbuktu find their quiet lives -- which are typically free of the Jihadists determined to control their faith -- abruptly disturbed.
- Um cavalo com uma coragem incrível e um grande coração.
- The Bacchus Lady looks into the issue of elderly prostitution in South Korea. So-Young, an elderly lady who provides sex services to the male senior citizens using the pretext of selling Bacchus (an energy drink) to them. When So-Young picks up a Korean-Filipino boy named Min-Ho from the clinic she visits after Min-Ho's mother stabs the doctor (Min-Ho's father), she takes care of him while seeking a living through prostitution. From her interactions with her former clients, she finds that the golden age in their silver years may not be that bright after all.
- When a politician disappears, his (mad) twin brother is brought to replace him.
- This is a story about a girl which three insignificant men care deeply about. The men look up to the girl considering her to be an idol of their own. But one day, a new guy appears in her life.
- The life and death of Dongju Yoon who dared to dream becoming a poet during the harsh period of Japan's occupation of Korea.
- Documentary about guitar genius Paco de Lucía and his contributions to flamenco music.
- Yeon-Hee waits for Min-Woo. They have been separated the past 60 years after the division of Korea into north and south.
- After "Sevillanas", "Flamenco" or "Fados, Carlos Saura gets once again behind the cameras to shoot a musical documentary about la Jota, the traditional dance and folk music from his homeland: Aragon During the shooting of "LA JOTA", Carlos Saura puts forward a new journey starting from the most basic and rooted to his land's folk singing and traditional dance, to those who anticipate the future of this powerful music; in a visual journey where the scenery and the light will be the support of the story, intending to leave a vital, historical and unique document to future generations, that serves as a memory and reference for everyone who loves music.