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- Nachdem der idiotische und perverse Issei Hyodo bei seinem ersten Date getötet wurde, wird er von Rias Gremory als Dämon wieder zum Leben erweckt, nur um dann in ihren Club der hochklassigen Teufel rekrutiert zu werden.
- Eine Gruppe von übermenschlichen Kriegern, die einst zusammen gekämpft haben, um die Herrschaft eines Dämonenkönigs zu beenden, kämpfen nun gegeneinander, um zu sehen, wer der stärkste Krieger ist.
- Von Elfen über Sukkubi bis hin zu Feen und mehr: Unsere Helden: Stunk, ein Mensch, Zel, eine Elfe und ein zwitterhafter Engel namens Crimvael sind hier, um die Rotlichtbegeisterung aller Arten von Monstermädchen zu bewerten.
- Eine Gruppe von Jugendlichen aus Yokohama versucht, während der Vorbereitungen auf die Olympischen Spiele von Tokio 1964 das Clubhaus ihrer Schule vor der Abrissbirne zu retten.
- Isekai'd in eine andere Welt, Haruka nutzt scheinbar unterlegene Fähigkeiten, um als einsame Wölfin zu leben.
- In einer Welt, die von weiblichen Übermenschen beherrscht wird, wird ein junger Mann für eine Gruppe von Monsterjägern rekrutiert.
- Keiichi Maebara is in his new home in the peaceful Hinamizawa village, making friends with girls from school. He's here for a big festival. But something about this town seems off, with that fear what dark secrets can this small town hide?
- When evil awakes, the deity of Fate will choose six heroes to save the world from ruination.
- Der Kaufmann Kraft Lawrence entdeckt eine Wolfsgottheit namens Holo schlafend in seinem Wagen. Sie bietet ihm ihre Weisheit an, um seinen Gewinn zu steigern, wenn er sie mit auf seine Reisen nimmt.
- In the lost holy land of Milos, the Elrics search for the truth behind an unknown form of alchemy. What secrets are hidden in Milos? Riddles must be solved and dangers faced before the truth can be found.
- Asahi Kashiwagi lebt das normale Leben eines Highschool-Schülers, bis eines Tages die Vorhersagen einer TV-Wahrsagerin eintreffen, eine nach der anderen.
- Ein dunkler Lord erwacht aus einem tausendjährigen Schlummer, nur um festzustellen, dass die Welt von Monstern angegriffen wird und er sich mit den Menschen verbünden muss, die er einst bekämpfte, um sie aufzuhalten.
- Sie kann tote Menschen sehen - sie entscheidet sich nur dafür, sie zu ignorieren. Das ist jedenfalls Mikos Plan, mit erschreckenden (und manchmal lustigen) Ergebnissen.
- Das Leben der modebewussten Yuzu gerät aus den Fugen, als die schöne, aber strenge Mei in ihr Leben tritt.
- Sequel and answer arcs to Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Gou.
- The series takes place in an alternate version of Japan where the nationalized railway system was never privatized. Naoto Takayama is an ordinary high school student who aspires to a comfortable life working at Japanese National Railways. He ends up working as a security force trainee, where he unwillingly has to deal with his strange colleagues as well as RJ, a group of extremists who are fighting to privatize the railway.
- A pilot, despite being advised not to, bonds with a princess when he is tasked with escorting the royal subject overseas and across enemy territory to reunite her with her future husband.
- They say youth is wasted on the young, and that's especially true for Tanaka, Sakuchi and Saginomiya, whose shenanigans are the stuff of legend. They're young, ridiculous and they're ready to waste away their days as high school girls.
- Hosho Academy High School students crash on an island with giant insects. Oribe Mutsumi and Matsuo Ayumi search for food, hoping for rescue in three days.
- Hime gives off the image as a sweet, helpful princess but on the inside only cares about herself. Against her will, Hime gets manipulated into working as a waitress at a place that's part café, part theater, where all the waitresses pretend to be students at a fictional boarding school. Hime finds herself falling for another waitress at the café but there's just one problem: Behind the scenes, Hime's crush hates her guts.
- The series revolves around Kasumi Toyama, a high school student who looking for the "Star Beat", a sparkling and exciting sound which she heard while looking up at the night sky during her childhood days. Ever since then, she is constantly searching for something that will stir her spirits up. One day, she finds a strange star-shaped guitar with glittery stickers on it. Without knowing, she immediately decides to form a band after witnessing the performance by a band at a live house.
- Hinako Sakuragi, a girl who just moved to Tokyo to attend Fujiyama High School as a freshman. She started living at Hitotose Bookstore which is also an apartment and a cafe along with her new friends. Hinako is really shy that she would froze up like a scarecrow. But even so, she has a big dream to become a theatre actress to change herself, so she started her own theatre troupe with her friends and aiming to perform at Suzuran Theatre.
- The signing of a peace treaty has secured a tenuous ceasefire between mankind and the Zex, beings who emerged from space/time rifts connected to mysterious, distant worlds. Partnered with a Zex named Rigel, Kagamihara Azumi must shoulder the fate of her own idyllic world. The unlikely pair head to newly established Fujimisaki Academy, but what destinies await them once they arrive?
- Nanoha and Fate confront the ones summoned by the Book of Darkness.