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- Quando um vírus ameaça virar os alienígenas que agora vivem na Terra contra os humanos, a capitã Rose Corley deve liderar uma equipe de elite de mercenários em uma missão ao mundo alienígena para salvar o que resta da humanidade.
- Martha e Félix são filhos do serial killer mais perigoso de todos os tempos. Enquanto Martha vive uma vida repleta de insegurança, o seu irmão mais velho continua o legado da família, saindo todas as noites a procura de vítimas indefesas.
- A psychological thriller giving different points of view about the relationship between a man and the wife of a doctor who has tried to protect her and watch over her.
- In their momentum for a neo-rural life in the Belgian Ardennes countryside, Brice and Lara soon have to face the imminent construction of a holiday resort nearby. A true race against time then starts for the young couple and revolves around Brice's quirky cousin Jacques, a native from the village, prone to mystical visions that will eventually lead them all to the Vatican! In a climate of provincial burlesque comedy both tender and grotesque, the Chapon-Laroche village microcosm, especially our endearing trio, will inexorably undergo a series of metamorphoses.
- Three young soldiers who participated in a military operation that went wrong, and where one of their comrades had been killed before their eyes, are placed in a luxury hotel to prevent a scandal. Despite the help of a young military psychiatrist, the young trio denies any trauma suffered, but they seem to hold a very different secret truth.
- Shanghai. A multitude of towers of concrete buildings without personality. Inside, close studios where live anonymous, folded on themselves, until CHUNG, single, decided to hang a picture on the wall.
- First Palme d'Or of the Belgian cinema, Lion d'Or in Venice, inventor of servaisography - Raoul Servais has left his imprint on Belgian and international cinema for more than 50 years. Now 89 years old, the filmmaker is overflowing with energy and projects, while taking a lucid look on his journey. The documentary recounts half a century of cinema by mixing unpublished archives and extracts from restored films.
- For her birthday, Julie has received a strange mirror.
- Two young advertising execs enter a US fan bar that has a vintage jukebox. They want it. They think the locals are hicks and make the owner a low ball offer, but the jukebox belongs to Johnny, a biker who doesn't care much for millennials.
- Following the saturation of the labour market, two radically opposed students did not find summer jobs. As a last resort, they engage with a crime sponsor as "cleaners". Their mission: make the bodies disappear before the police arrive.
- Characters who do not know each other yet their destinies will cross.
- A zombie loses his job. He must find another one but would prefer to ride his beautiful bike!
- 2008– 52m6,1 (20)Episódio de TV