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- Isabelle, ayant perdu sa virginité sans éprouver aucun plaisir, décide de se lancer dans la prostitution. Bien que multipliant les clients, elle arrive néanmoins à cacher sa double vie à ses parents jusqu'au jour où une passe tourne mal.
- When novelist Alessandro Battavia commits suicide, taxi driver Evangile and her brother Nord believe that they are characters imagined in a novel, probably one written by God. Because they see their lives as "merde," they go in search of God to get their story rewritten. Along the way--believing that everything is imaginary anyway--they shoot people, rob pharmacies, and tie up the residents of places where they squat. They also gather a taxi full of eccentrics, including a priest, Battavia's suicidal widow, and a policewoman; various couples pair off. Soon life imitates art: the events and ellipses seem lifted from modern fiction as the group's quest for God continues. What's real?
- The sexually charged work of both Hans Bellmer and Louise Bourgeois informs the visage and formation of the central female character.