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- A public hospital serves as a witness to a young boy's rite of passage when he is stuck to take care of his ailing father. Caught in a place where life itself is in limbo, the boy treats the hospital as his playground, not knowing that it will be his source of liberation in the end, especially when he has to juggle the idea of puppy love versus the idea of familial love. Edward, Thop Nazareno's sophomore coming of age feature, is a testament to a teenager finding self-actualization in the reality of a Philippine public hospital setting.
- We meet Brandy Zulueta and her cousin Ayni attending to their happy guests at "Brandy's B&B". A new guest arrives and Brandy instantly gets smitten by Brody Nuyda, particularly by his disarming presence and keen interest in Brady's work. Brody's stay soon ends but he promises to return. Brandy is hopeful that this is the beginning of something special.
- Before things could get worse between the two B&Bs, Brody calls for a ceasefire with Brandy. He invites her for a 'peace talk' dinner. Brandy returns the favor and invites Brody over for a 'peace talk' lunch. When Brody thinks he has gotten one over Brandy, he's in for a huge surprise.
- Brandy, Brody, Morgan, Sammy, Paco and Ayni spend dinner together. We discover Brandy's previous relationships, while Brody opened up himself as well.
- Brandy and Brody are starting to have feelings for each other and everyone around them can see this - except for them. Sammy finally musters courage to profess his long unrequited love for Brandy. Meanwhile, Paco and Ayni start to develop feelings for each other, too.
- Brandy gets trapped in the fire and Brody ends up rescuing her. In that vulnerable moment, consumed by fear, relief and heightened emotions, Brandy and Brody realize that there is something between them.
- Brandy and Brody finally have the "talk" to define their relationship: They both admit they like each other but Brody suggests they should take things slow. Brandy is fine with the set up and everyone thinks everything is okay - until a new guest appears in the Burgundy House.
- Alvin Aragon is one of the Avengers of Starstruck Season 1. He entered showbizness because he wanted to be famous and earn his own money. But soon, he got himself embroiled in a lot of troubles. But when he met Sex Bomb girl Izzy Trazona in a Christian church, he fell in love and everything changed. He became more responsible, religious and had a new perspective in life. A teenager allegedly shot his girlfriend inside a classroom due to a disagreement, then later shot himself too. His father donated his eyes to the Eye Bank Foundation of the Philippines. Now, because of these eyes, a widow and mother Celia Avila has been blessed to see the light of day again.