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- FBI Agents re-examine the JFK Assassination. A detailed investigation into the evidence arising from the event, and the story of the man, who confessed to firing the fatal shot from the Grassy Knoll in Dealey Plaza, Dallas Texas on November 22nd, 1963, that killed President John F. Kennedy.
- America's death penalty is in crisis. Botched executions, spiralling costs and shrinking public support has put capital punishment under more scrutiny than ever before. The Penalty goes behind the scenes to reveal what the death penalty does to a victims family, an innocent man, and a lawyer who fights and fails to stop a botched execution, all while asking: who does the death penalty serve?
- Mr. Cao Goes to Washington is a fascinating character study of New Orleans Congressman Joseph Cao, an idealist confronted with the realities of racial and partisan politics in the South. Will Cao make it through his term with his idealism intact?