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- Host Brandon White delivers entrepreneurs the edge to win in their business and lives with science based tools and unscripted conversations with guests on the EDGE Podcast. Here we find the playbooks that reveal how to achieve our goals.
- Folge: (2020)2020–Podcast-FolgeKadin Zimmerman has build several successful online businesses that generate passive income for himself to supplement his day job income. And...all of them as side hustles. He's done it all from starting an eBay business in high school, to building a successful YouTube Channel, to most recently building a successful app. He lays out exactly how he did all if it. Take his blueprint and get your online business started or take your online business to the next level right after listening with his HPT's (high percentage tips).
- How to Write a Business Plan in quick and easy 13 Slides. I used to plan to start, grow and sell two companies. It's been used to raise money from angel investors and venture capitalists. Used in sales meetings, to recruit team members, Board members and... As importantly it's dynamic and easy to update, so you can use it as a road map to grow your business. It's designed just like a story which is vitally important as you pitch your company. Follow along, you'll build your business plan quickly.
- Part 2 of How to Build Your Business Plan where I dive into a new, easy to use template I developed for myself to quickly develop elevator pitches for my companies. I'm sharing it with you. Your elevator pitch is a short, persuasive speech you give to spark interest in your company, product or service. A good elevator pitch should last between 15 and 45 seconds; you guessed it, about the time it takes to ride an elevator. I lay out the fill in the blank, shortcut, to create your elevator pitch in all in less than 15 minutes.
- 2020–Podcast-FolgePart 3 of How to Build Your Business Plan where I talk about the three common mistakes entrepreneurs make when giving their elevator pitch and how to avoid them. Getting your elevator pitch wrong can blow raising money from investors, cause you missing a sale or even miss hiring a great candidate for your company. That's exactly why we're spending an extra day on how to build your elevator pitch.
- Part 4 of How to Write Your Business Plan where I give you an easy to fill in the black formula to whip out your Problem Slide in no time. You want to make it crystal clear to the audience you're presenting to what problem you are solving for them. You'll use this slide as a basis for your many things across your business, you're sales and marketing strategy, brand brief, PR etc... Nail this slide and you're well on your way to building your business plan.
- Part 5 of How to Write Your Business Plan where I give you an easy to fill in the black formula to build your Solution Slide in two shakes of a lambs tail You've set things up, gave your elevator pitch, set up the problem your product addresses and now you lay down the solution. I explain exactly how to do it. Complete this slide and you're well on your way to building your business plan.
- Part 6 of How to Write Your Business Plan where I give you an easy to fill in the black formula to build your Product Slide. This is where it starts to get exciting because we're talking about our product and how it solves a problem for the customer. You've given your elevator pitch, set up the problem your product addresses, given a solution, now you show where your product or service is the solution. I'm explaining it all.
- 2020–Podcast-FolgePart 7 of How to Write Your Business Plan where I give you the method to figure out how big your market opportunity is for your business. This is where it starts to get exciting because we're talking about how many potential customers we have which will later tell us how much money we can make. You've given your elevator pitch, set up the problem your product addresses, given a solution, talked about your product, now it's time to talk about the size of your market and how you're going to attack it. I explain exactly how to approach it and what one big mistake to avoid.
- 2020–Podcast-FolgePart 8 of How to Write Your Business Plan where we scope out your Business Model. There are a few business models and hybrids you can use in your business to make money We've covered your elevator pitch, problem, solution, product, and market size slides. Now we figure out your business model.
- Part 9 of How to Write Your Business Plan where we build your Traction Slide. I give you some ideas of what traction means, and talk about ideas of what types of traction you should aim for to grow your sales. We've covered your elevator pitch, problem, solution, product, market size and business model slides. Now we figure out your business traction.
- Part 10 of How to Write Your Business Plan where we build your Competition Slide. Who is your competition? Different ways you can present and think about your competitors. And... The one thing you want to avoid doing. We've covered your elevator pitch, problem, solution, product, market size, business model, and traction slides. Now we analyze your competition.
- 2020–Podcast-FolgePart 11 of How to Write Your Business Plan where we build your Barriers to Entry or Moat Slide. What barriers to entry have you created for your business? What moat do you have? What barriers are you going to create? Also... I talk about the one barrier entrepreneurs almost always count on as their main moat that can get you in trouble. We've covered your elevator pitch, problem, solution, product, market size, business model, traction, and competition slides for your business plan. Now build your barrier to entry slide.