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- In 1965, Navy Commander Jeremiah Denton's jet is shot down over North Vietnam and he is captured by the enemy who holds him in various brutal POW camps for more than seven years.
- An investigative documentary about the epidemic of rape of soldiers within the US military.
- Follows the suffering, torture, and brutal treatment that American prisoners of war had to deal with on a daily basis while in North Vietnam's Hoa Lo prison.
- The story of Buzz Aldrin, the second astronaut to walk on the moon, and the problems he had after his return to Earth, including the breakup of his marriage, a nervous breakdown and his hospitalization for psychiatric problems.
- In 1999 as NATO forces bombard Belgrade city USAF pilot Dale Zelko begins his sortie into nearby Belgrade target flying his F-117 stealth bomber. On the opposite side a Serbian colonel Zoltan Dani commands his solders to detect and destroy enemy bombers with their seemingly outdated former Soviet made SAM radars and missile.
- Five paratroopers die and more than 150 are injured, 20 seriously, in a massive training exercise in the Southern California desert, the biggest military airdrop since World War II.
- The longest war in America's history was sparked by the terrorist attacks on Sept. 11, 2001. Less than a month later U.S. forces entered Afghanistan and ousted the Taliban. Chronicling a conflict that has spanned more than a decade and bridged generations, Inside the Afghanistan War shares the comprehensive 11-year-trajectory from its swift and relentless beginnings to the eve of the U.S. pullout in 2014.
- Educating a pilot in the Air Force is by far the most expensive education you can get from the Norwegian authorities.
- A little over 65 years ago, more than 20,000 United States Marines waded through bloodstained surf to find themselves on the black beaches of what was at the time an unknown island: Iwo Jima. It was one of the most important and influential battles that changed the scope and success of the United States of America in WWII. Six and a half decades later, nearly a dozen of those former Marines return to the place where almost 7,000 fellow Marines made the ultimate sacrifice and where the odds of survival were slim, and courage, honor and duty were plentiful. This film chronicles their emotional journey as they make their first and only return to this island that is now considered an open grave site.
- While millions around the globe watched on television, thousands of people stood for hours waiting to catch just a brief glimpse of George H.W. Bush's funeral train and pay their last respects. Led by the George Bush 4141 locomotive, the 13-car train made the 2.5 hour, 70-mile journey from Spring to College Station, Texas, where the former president was laid to rest after a final funeral in Houston. This special train served as a tangible connection between the people and their former president. "Uniting America: The President's Final Journey" will show never-before-seen footage, and go behind the scenes with the Union Pacific employees who were instrumental in executing the long-planned and first presidential funeral train since Dwight Eisenhower's in 1969. While millions around the globe watched on television, thousands of people stood for hours waiting to catch just a brief glimpse of the funeral train and pay their last respects. Led by the George Bush 4141 locomotive, the 13-car train made the 2.5 hour, 70-mile journey from Spring to College Station, Texas, where the former president was laid to rest after a final funeral in Houston. This special train served as a tangible connection between the people and their former president. "When you are an American company that was created by Abraham Lincoln's pen, well, patriotism and presidents run deep," said Scott Moore, Union Pacific senior vice president and chief administrative officer. "We have flags on the sides of our locomotives and nearly 20 percent of our workforce is military veterans. It was our privilege to honor President Bush in a way that gave Americans from all walks of life the opportunity to do the same."
- A documentary that attempts to prove the existence of UFOs.
- A look at the continued controversy surrounding its use as a weapon.
- Reasons that lead to the deterioration of the survival rate of USAF crew members in out-of-control aircraft are discussed. Pilots who used the ejection seat share their experiences.
- An animated US Air Force training film instructing personnel to be mindful and responsible of the communities surrounding their bases.
- 1964–19671h8,4 (75)Episódio de TVGen. Savage returns from a mission gravely wounded, requiring a delicate operation to remove shrapnel endangering his heart; an operation Dr. Kaiser doesn't feel confident to perform. While waiting for a specialist, Savage is placed in a ward next to Sgt. Aaronson who has just lost his lifetime friend to battle wounds and is also quickly losing his faith in God. Savage tries to talk him out of his closing shell, but the Sergeant slips deeper into melancholy, that is until he meets someone who could use a little of his disappearing faith.
- 1983– 21m6,8 (7)Episódio de TVOperation Overlord began on Jun 6, 1944, with parachutists, deception tactics, and Mulberry harbors so as to ensure a successful invasion in France.
- 1983– 21m5,9 (12)Episódio de TVThe birth of the Afrika Korps and it's leader Erwin Rommel who was to earn the pseudonym Desert Fox.
- 1983– 21m6,8 (6)Episódio de TVOnce the Normandy invasion was concluded it was a cacophony of multiple allied drives to silence the German offensives with having to deal with some strong defensive fronts and offensive attacks.
- 1983– 21m7,0 (7)Episódio de TVA more detailed overview of the causes of the German assault through the Ardennes and the battle in Bastogne. The German line fell apart on the 25th after the weather cleared on the 23rd of December 1944. The allies then continued to drive toward the Rhine.
- 1983– 21m7,2 (6)Episódio de TVAdolf Hitler is desperate to stop the allies advance onto German soil and pushes a number of his military forces through the Ardennes and begins what has come to be known as the Battle of the Bulge. The allies had a number of clues that something was going to happen but ignored them.
- 1983– 21m7,3 (8)Episódio de TVBeginning with Operation Shingle, the allies obtained a foothold in Italy while the Germans were determined to make the allies job a difficult one starting with the Gustav line.
- 1983– 21m7,2 (7)Episódio de TVIn 1943, Britain began bomber offensives over Germany's war production sites, some without fighter protection because of limited fuel capacity. Bombing targets and improved fighter protection would soon occur.