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- Cette série documentaire immersive suit un groupe de joueurs de golf professionnels, sur le parcours et en dehors, au long d'une éprouvante saison de compétition.
- Une série documentaire qui explore les questions fondamentales d'aujourd'hui.
- Une satire originale qui retrace cette année épouvantable et mêle les témoignages de personnalités (fictives) mondialement connues à des images d'archives réelles de ces 12 derniers mois.
- Avec l'aide d'experts, cette série documentaire innovante explore les tendances technologiques nouvelles et émergentes pour imaginer des possibilités révolutionnaires.
- The right to vote is at the foundation of America's democracy. But not every vote is created equal. How does the system work, and can it be fixed?
- Hacking at Leaves documents artist and hazmat-suit aficionado Johannes Grenzfurthner as he attempts to come to terms with the United States' colonial past, Navajo tribal history, and the hacker movement. The story hones in on a small tinker space in Durango, Colorado, that made significant contributions to worldwide COVID relief efforts. But things go awry when Uncle Sam interferes with the film's production.
- Un portrait personnel des survivants, des victimes et des membres des familles des victimes de l'attaque de la synagogue de Pittsburgh, qui met en lumière la crise de la haine qui menace notre sécurité collective et la démocratie elle-même
- Retro Tech is a Youtube Original Series where Marques Brownlee uncovers the origin and nostalgia of iconic tech.
- Chef Marcus Samuelsson hosts a culinary and anthropological exploration of the people, rituals and food of multicultural America.
- An adaptation of the hit Vulture podcast, GOOD ONE: A Show About Jokes is an immersive look at the craft of comedy from the ground up and a unique snapshot of the intersection between process and personal. The first docu-special features Mike Birbiglia, fresh off the run of his latest Broadway show, as he begins an unpredictable journey developing new material from personal truths, and includes interviews and commentary from other distinguished comedians such as Seth Meyers, Atsuko Okatsuka and Hasan Minhaj.
- Entrepreneurs share inspiring stories of courage and determination in this this docuseries about taking risks and making it happen. Hosted by Hartley Sawyer.
- In 1973, Eunice Johnson, the founder of Ebony and Jet, noticed a problem: Black women had to mix their own foundation in order to find a color that matched their skin. To tackle the problem, Johnson launched Fashion Fair, the first national cosmetics company that focused entirely on Black women. The brand triggered a renaissance in style among Black women and the global cosmetics industry took notice. Now, Fashion Fair is staging its comeback as a Black-owned business in a new era defined by massive cultural shifts and increased competition. This film follows current Fashion Fair CEO Desiree Rogers and President Cheryl Mayberry McKissack as they chart a path as Black women entrepreneurs at the helm of a revived, iconic brand.
- There's the technology we use and see every day, and then there's the technology being developed behind the scenes. This is the next-level stuff. In this series, The Verge's Senior Tech Editor Lauren Goode takes you into the labs and research institutions where some of the most innovative and bizarre prototypes are being developed.
- Série de podcast
- Robert Lee Stinson Stinson spent 23 years in a Wisconsin prison for a murder he didn't commit after forensic odontologists incorrectly testified that his teeth matched bite marks found on the body of the victim.
- Through a series of field interviews with entrepreneurs, economists, and a variety of experts, we explore the shifts and trends in the modern economy as it relates to small business owners.
- Série téléviséeAnswered is Vox's daily explainer series helping curious people better understand a complex world. Host Cleo Abram speaks with experts, enthusiasts, and academics to make complicated stories a little easier to understand.
- Some of the most insightful conversations come in the most casual settings. On The Ride we catch up with today's top personalities in technology and entertainment on their way to work, running errands, or checking out a new show.
- Série télévisée
- Recode Decode is a podcast that features candid interviews with important tech executives, politicians, and celebrities about how their big ideas are changing the world.
- After witnessing a crime, a group of high-schoolers experience a series of increasingly alarming events, and attempt to uncover the syndicate behind it all.