SNL 10-to-1 Sketches: A Showcase for the Weird and Zany | Saturday Night Live
The last sketch of the night on ‘SNL’ is usually seen as the weakest of the bunch, but I disagree - my reasons why SNL 10-to-1 sketches are amazing....
The Rise and Journey of Daniel Bruhl: The Most Talented Polyglot Actor In the Industry
Daniel Bruhl is a familiar face that still does not hold the star-power he deserves -- a breakdown and bio of the polyglot actor and his most famous roles....
How the Harry Potter Franchise Continues to Live On, One Decade Later
Though the last Harry Potter film of the original series premiered a decade ago, the Harry Potter franchise continues to endure in our society’s consciousness....
Rose Byrne’s ‘Physical’ Tries To Empower But Ends Up Being More Harmful
‘Physical’ tries to be a story of female empowerment but winds up being more demeaning....
The Top 10 Best Episodes of ‘BoJack Horseman’, Ranked
Netflix’s critically acclaimed drama 'BoJack Horseman' is loved by many - so here are the top 10 episodes....
A Tribute To George Lucas – One of the Greatest Storytellers of Our Time
George Lucas, creator of the ‘Star Wars Saga’, is one of the greatest storytellers in the history of Cinema, pairing familiar archetypes with fresh ideas....
The Genius of Pepsi’s Uncle Drew Commercial Campaign: From 5-minute Spots to Feature Film
Pepsi's Uncle Drew - a Kyrie Irving-led ad campaign turned into a money-making feature film, creating the phenomenon of Uncle Drew - brilliant marketing....
America’s Favorite Sitcom, ‘Seinfeld’, Will Be Coming To Netflix Later This Month
Digging deep into Netflix’s huge new deal with the owners of the popular sitcom 'Seinfeld', helping this streaming service recover from its previous losses...
The Rise and Journey of Dev Patel: From British TV to Oscars Nominations & Beyond
Dev Patel was cast with no acting experience but has become the most beloved British-Indian actor today....
‘The Republic of Sarah’ – CW’s Latest Drama Where a Small Town Becomes a New Nation
'The Republic of Sarah' highlights real people fighting for their small town by turning into a new country....
Ed Helms: 32 Facts on the Comedy Actor Supreme
Here are 32 facts on the comedian who has been making us laugh and continues to - Ed Helms....
‘Ali & Ratu Ratu Queens’ Review: Netflix’s Newest Dramedy – A Sweet Journey
Indonesian film ‘Ali & Ratu Ratu Queens’ starring Iqbaal Dhiafakhri Ramadhan and Marrisa Anita is a fun, heartstring-pulling trip....