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EFFecting Change Livestream Series: Is There Hope for Social Media?

EFFector - Volume 27, Issue 1 - Today, we remember Aaron


EFFector - Volume 27, Issue 1 - Today, we remember Aaron

EFFector! Electronic Frontier Foundation

In our 653rd issue:

EFF Updates

Today, We Remember Aaron.

One year ago today the digital rights movement lost one of our most powerful activists and closest friends. Aaron fought for open access to publicly funded research. He worked against censorship and to defend a free and open internet. Aaron was a brilliant technologist who pioneered the development of the open source software that would become SecureDrop. He also helped launch Creative Commons, founded Demand Progress, and co-founded Reddit.

And as the Internet community confronted massive new challenges to privacy and free speech in 2013, there were many moments when we wondered quietly about what Aaron would have said and done.

Today, we remember Aaron. It is in his memory that we continue to fight for the rights of users around the world. At the time of Aaron's death, he was being harshly prosecuted for violating the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act, an outdated law full of vague language that broadly criminalizes accessing a computer without "authorization," but doesn't explain what that actually means.

In 2014 we renew our vow to fight in Aaron's honor. As we move forward with our goal of ensuring our rights go with us when we go online, EFF remembers everything Aaron Swartz did to defend openness, innovation, and online freedom.


2013 in Review: Revelations, Tragedy, and Fighting Back

Last year will long be remembered for the revelations confirming that the United States government is spying on millions of innocent people both domestically and across the world. EFF responded to these disclosures by launching a new lawsuit against the NSA and by continuing to fight and bring new evidence into on our long-standing Jewel v. NSA case.

That's just the start, though. In 2013 we took on patent trolls in Congress and helped to propel the passage of the Innovation Act out of the House of Representatives. EFF has been monitoring the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement and ardently pushing for transparency in the secret trade negotiations. We fought for the rights of users to unlock their phones, and continue to urge Congress to embrace meaningful copyright reform. Our efforts at promoting encryption and HTTPS Everywhere have seen massive success, as more companies and individuals adopt online security practices.

Read our series highlighting the ups and downs of one of the most momentous years in the history of digital rights.

Tragedy Brings CFAA Into the Spotlight

The Next Great Copyright Act

The Year the NSA Finally Admitted Its "Collect It All" Strategy

What a Year for Patent Reform

The Worrying Trend of Internet Shutdowns

Encrypting the Web Takes a Huge Leap Forward

The Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement

EFF Convinces Court to Declare National Secruity Letters Unconstitutional - President's Panel Agrees

As Governments in the Arab World Crack Down, Activists Fight Back

EFF's Battle Against Privacy Invasive "Cybersecurity" Bill

A Principled Fight Against Global Mass Surveillance

"Voluntary" Copyright Agreements

CDA 230 and Recurring Threats to Strong Online Speech Protections

States Stepping Up Digital Privacy Protection

Positive Developments in the Fight to Open Access to Research

Supported by Members

Our members make it possible for EFF to bring legal and technological expertise into crucial battles about online rights. Whether defending free speech online or challenging unconstitutional surveillance, your participation makes a difference. Every donation gives technology users who value freedom online a stronger voice and more formidable advocate.

If you aren't already, please consider becoming an EFF member today.

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Editor: April Glaser, Activist

EFFector is a publication of the Electronic Frontier Foundation.

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