"A monumental work
on Mexico's disappeared.
"Film of the year."
"A truly terrific piece of cinema
in its own right."
BATTLE ROYAL WITH CHEESE "Dark Suns is utterly vital
and haunting"
Film Inquiry
"A version of Mexico that has
rarely been captured on camera.."
"Dark suns invites us to rise up against crime and impunity"
An elusive evil has taken over Mexico. Twenty years ago, the screams of young women echoed in the northern regions of the country, victims of unprecedented misogynistic fury. Behind the volcanoes of the capital, hundreds more suffered the same fate in recent years. Elsewhere, farmers, students as well as travellers disappear from roads while several journalists are gunned down. This climate of impunity opens the door to all abuses, and the entire country lives in terror. Some raise their voices, denouncing and investigating, while others, armed with shovels and trying to avoid ambushes, look for the missing people. As testimonies and discoveries add up, the truth slowly emerges.
DARK SUNS a film by Julien Elie
Written and directed by Julien Elie I Cinematographers Ernesto Pardo, François Messier-Rheault
Picture editor Aube Foglia I Original music Mimi Allard
Sound Daniel Capeille, Gabriel Villegas, Mimi Allard, Bernard Gariépy Strobl
Production manager Amaia Aldamiz Executive producer Richard Brouillette
Producer Julien Elie
Produced by Cinéma Belmopán and División Del Norte
154 min. | B&W | 2018
FESTIVALS 2018-19-20
Novembre, noviembre, November 2018
RIDM, Montréal, Canada
Février, Febrero, Feburary 2019
Festival Ambulante de Mexico, CDMX
True / False, Columbia, Missouri, USA
FICG, Guadalajara, Mexico
Mars, marzo, March 2019
CPH DOX, Copenhagen, Danemark
Avril, abril, April 2019
BAFICI, Buenos Aires, Argentina
37º International Film Festival of Uruguay, Montevideo
Art of Real at Film Society of Lincoln Center,
Mai, mayo, May 2019
DOXA, Vancouver
Against Gravity, Poland
Doc-Cévennes, Lasalle, France
DocsBarcelona, España
Docs Days, Austin, TX, USA
DOCAVIV, Tel Aviv, Israel
Juin, junio, June 2019
Sheffield Doc Fest, UK
Juillet, julio, July 2019
FIDMarseille, Marseille, France
NZFF, New Zealand
Août, agosto, August
DOKUFEST, Prizren, Kosovo
MIFF, Melbourne, Australia
PUCP, festival de Lima, Peru
Septembre, septiembre, September
Cine Migrantes, Buenos Aires, Argentina
ART OF THE REAL, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Film Fest Hamburg, Allemagne
Zurich Film Festival, Suisse
Octobre, October
The Nuremberg International Human Rights Film Festival, Allemagne
Nashville Film Fest, Tenesse, USA
Double Exposure, Washington DC, USA
Cambridge Film Festival, UK
23rd Ji.hlava International Documentary Film Festival
Novembre, noviembre, November
64th Cork Film Festival
21e Muestra Internacional Documental de Bogotá. Colombia
Décembre, diciembre, December
Rencontres du documentaire de Montreuil, France
FIDOCS, Santiago du Chili
PUY TA CUXLEJALTIC , Chiapas, Mexique
Avril, abril, april 2020
LICHTER Filmfest Frankfurt International