Reports of our death have been greatly exaggerated!
Hi, folks.
Contrary to what's being reported,
Pyra is not quite dead yet.
We have had a tough time lately and suffered a major set back. We've
had to scale the team down, one person. But some of the other folks
are still helping out and available to contract when I need them.
The company is not dissolved, or bankrupt, or selling off its assets.
In fact, we have real, paying business deals in the works. We have the
ability to meet our (now, modest) expenses. And I plan to not only
keep Blogger up and running, but
turn it into a successful business. (Not a hobby.
Not a volunteer-run organization.) I just had to drastically scale
down the plan for immediate world domination.
It's not that I don't appreciate the sympathy or that it's not a major
blow to lose my team. But please don't count me (or Blogger)
out yet!