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Wednesday, April 21, 2010 1:54 PM

This blog has moved

This blog is now located at http://blog.frenchtoastgirl.com/. You will be automatically redirected in 30 seconds, or you may click here. For feed subscribers, please update your feed subscriptions to http://blog.frenchtoastgirl.com/feeds/posts/default.

french toast girl Comments #

Tuesday, April 20, 2010 9:00 AM

the skinny on the fate of ftg

So here's what I've been doing: blogger's decided that they will no longer support FTP publishing, which is how I've done this blog for almost the past 9 years. So.... instead of painting? I'm coding, just to try to get the blog to stay mostly the same for now, because what I don't have time for right now is a site-wide redesign. And the address of the site has to change as well - so the blog will now be at blog.frenchtoastgirl.com, and it has to happen by May 1.


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french toast girl Comments #

Monday, April 05, 2010 7:22 AM

illustration friday: Dip

My son loves food, my daughters love amigurumi, and we all love to eat. What started out as a doodle turned into a coloring page. I can honestly say that not all kids eat all of these foods, but I would say they eat all but 3 (different for each kid... Peter's not fond of beets, Sophie doesn't do tomatoes, Angela won't touch mushrooms). And of course, all of them work well with (or in) dip in one form or another!

There is a precedent for faces on fruit at our house.... remember this?

That pear still cracks me up.

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french toast girl Comments #

Monday, March 29, 2010 12:50 PM

what I've got they used to call the blues

Ditto on the talking to myself and feeling old. Good news, anyone?


french toast girl Comments #

Tuesday, March 23, 2010 8:13 PM

sweet sixteen

This is a card my boss and friend Rich sent me a few years ago for my PRI anniversary with a bouquet of flowers. I tucked it away and forgot all about it. I've written before how he wanted to have a big celebration for my anniversary last year, but he passed away before the actual date and it was a really hard day for me without him.

A couple of weeks ago this card fell out of the back of a notebook where I'd placed it for safekeeping. Am I surprised that it "found" me just in time for my 16th anniversary this year? I see a hand at work here... and I love you, kiddo.


french toast girl Comments #

Monday, March 22, 2010 8:32 AM

Illustration Friday: Expired

If I planned everything out in advance, I'd expire of boredom.

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french toast girl Comments #

Tuesday, March 16, 2010 8:38 AM


(I'm posting an older entry from 2005 today - it still really speaks to me. Maybe it's something you need to hear today as well.)

by Jo Sorley

It takes courage to be crocus-minded.

God, I’d rather wait until June,
Like wise roses,
When the hazards of winter are safely behind,
and I’m expected,
and everything’s ready for roses.

But crocuses?
Highly irregular.

Knifing through hard-frozen ground and snow,
and sticking their necks out,
because they believe in spring
and have something personal and emphatic to say about it.

God, I am by nature rose-minded.
Even when I have studied the situation here
and know there are wrongs that need righting,
affirmations that need stating,
and know also that my speaking out may offend...
for it rocks the boat...
Well, I’d rather wait until June.
Maybe later things will work themselves out,
and we won’t have to make an issue of it.

God, forgive,
Wrongs don’t work themselves out.
Injustices and inequities and hurts don’t just dissolve.
Somebody has to stick her neck out,
Somebody who cares enough to think through and work through hard ground,
because she believes and has something personal and emphatic to say about it.

Me God?


Could it be that there are things that need to be said, and you want me to say them?
I pray for courage.

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french toast girl Comments #

All artwork and content of this site copyright © Élena Nazzaro 1993-2010. Support your favorite artists and don't steal!



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a little bit o' toast:

This blog has moved

the skinny on the fate of ftg

illustration friday: Dip

what I've got they used to call the blues

sweet sixteen

Illustration Friday: Expired


now with a side order of cute

illustration Friday: Brave

the 6th annual michelangelo project

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