Love has no distance.
A catastrophic mission failure on Mars leaves astronaut Brianna Weller stranded, wounded, and hopeless. NASA turns to her estranged father to provide the inspiration and resolve she'll need before it's too late. Is he ready, willing, and able?
Click above to watch H O M E now, for free.
10 min | English |
Sci-fi / Drama
Falling Flame Pictures
Art of War Pictures
Directed by
Ryan Henry Johnston
Charlotte Lilt
Joe Ricci
Jason Wiechert
Brianna Weller / Charlotte Lilt
Frank Weller / Joe Ricci
Joel Johnston / Jason Wiechert
Producer / Jason Wiechert
Producer / Charlotte Lilt
Producer / Joe Ricci
Producer / Robyn Sturgis
Associate Producer / Terry Hogan
Associate Producer / Rob Rutledge
Director / Ryan Henry Johnston
Writer / Peter Wiseman
Writer / Will Hirsch
Director of Photography / Tom J. McCoy
Drone Operator / Daniel Tooker
Drone Operator / Tom J. McCoy
First Assistant Camera / Keitu Mokhonwana
First Assistant Camera / James Carroll
Second Assistant Camera / Drake Dewar
Production Designer / Megan Cottrell
Sound Recordist / Kenny Mitchell
Sound Recordist / Josh Morrison
Key Makeup / Gina Hoyt
Unit Still Photographer / Daniel Tooker
Editor / Tom J. McCoy
Visual Effects / Brian Tooker
Colorist / Tom J. McCoy
Sound Design / Tom J. McCoy
Score by / Room Full of Hammers
Production Assistant / Irma Ramirez
Production Assistant / Chris Carson
A Very Special Thanks To
The entire Cast and Crew
Global Effects
Dian Bonner-Parker
Pike Parker
Darlene Marry
Deanna Bobel
The city of Willcox, Arizona