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Sunday, January 4, 2015


Hi all!  More than 2 years since my last post, I'm sure everyone already knows that I'm not blogging here anymore.  I thought I'd put a real post up saying so - this blog has been sunset!  I am going to leave it up just in case anyone wants to read through old entries, I know I enjoy doing that sometimes!

Take care, and be excellent to yourselves my lovelies!


Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Still alive!

Hello all you lovely sweet folks,

I'm still alive!  I've just been really enjoying myself and our new house and it turned into a rather long blog break!

We put up a clothesline in our backyard to enjoy the beautiful sunshine that's finally made its way here.

I reupholstered a footstool that my mom bought me almost 10 years ago from TJ Maxx.



We made a stool with our bare hands after my husband drew it up in Sketchup.

I made some pillows out of these awesome double-sided napkins from the (kinda short-lived) Privet House designer collaboration at Target.  Because I was NOT going to pay $40 for a pillow when I could pay $4 for a napkin.

And I've been baking texas sheet cake cupcakes for various parties that we've thrown in our new house!

All in all, it's been a glorious summer so far.  I hope you are all having a fabulous season, whether it is summer or something else where you are.

Have you made anything recently?  I also made a maxi dress but it, umm, didn't really turn out all that great, so I'm going to try to rework it before I share pictures.  I've had better than usual project luck lately, but they can't all be home-runs, can they?

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

April and May

April and May have been wonderful and mostly sunny.  Here I wore a short skirt and a long cardigan.  Everything is super old.  

My favorite dress, currently still for sale at Target.  I am wearing it backwards.  The wind was whipping the dress when the pic was taken, so I have a weird dress outgrowth on my left knee.  Cardigan is from Old Navy.

My very close friend Leah visited us in April - it was so much fun.  This pic was taken at Carkeek Park.  Shirt and cardigan from Target, Torrid jeans, scarf unknown.

And one of Waffles - I love the diffuse light from sheer curtains.  This is our bedroom.  She is adorable, as always, and loves the house and yard so much that she seems much younger than her 8 years lately!

I hope you are all having a wonderful spring.  Blogging has been light but things are good!  I'm hoping to get back into the swing of blogging and, more importantly, commenting on your wonderful blogs.  I'm still reading though!

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Backyard clothes-drying, and an ootd

Hello lovelies - I hope you've been enjoying the spring so far! It's been shockingly gorgeous here in Seattle.

So much so, that I decided to dry some clothes outdoors :)

That tree is a super old lilac bush-turned-tree. We have two of them, they smell lovely!

Lest you think it's all classy "dresses drying in trees", here's how I'm drying our jeans:

That's right, a camp chair and a tv table. Because this blog is not about a carefully curated life, nosirree :)

We mowed the lawn on Sunday - I did the whole backyard all by myself! I've never used a lawn mower before. I was so proud - I even started it by myself.
(hello you sexy beast of a lawn mower)
Waffles is really digging the yard too (not literally, thank goodness) I've also been wearing clothing lately, so here's a very belated ootd:
I think the back yard is going to be a great place to take outfit pictures! Outfit details:
Dress: Asos curve (now on clearance)
Cardigan: target, years back
sweater clip: gift from Bob's family
old lady boat shoes: fred meyer

I hope you are all having a wonderful week!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

All moved in!

It's been radio silence here lately because, well - we FINALLY found a wonderful house - in our budget - and we were able to make it ours! We moved in last weekend and it is glorious. Seriously, no buyers' remorse here!

(pic via our realtor and friend Leigh Buchan Harvey)

I'll definitely be posting more pictures, we're still unpacking so things are presentable just yet.

I have a little more room for creativity, so I decided to take some time today and make two tiny container gardens via Rachele's great tutorial.

Aren't they adorable? I sure hope I can keep them alive. Let's just say the last succulents I bought (to put in those exact containers) didn't make it more than a few weeks.

I can't explain how relieved and destressed I feel now that this 7 month house hunt is over with! I really did not know what we were getting ourselves into when we started back in August of last year. I thought it would be easy and would only take a month or two. But I'm so grateful and glad the process brought us to this wonderful house, because it is everything we wanted + a few things we didn't know we wanted!

Anyways - how are all of you doing? I hope you are all wonderful!
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