My Budding Musician
Thursday, October 23, 2014
Our baby girl Twix is such a bundle of joy. I think she's gonna be a singer some day. I hear her sing with her dad. She sings right away to a strum of a guitar. Now tell me if that isn't cute. Oh I catch her playing with the guitar too. I think I have to introduce 12 string guitar strings to her Dad, he might need it later on. I will be all support when Twix decides to be a musician. It runs in the blood. Oh I don't sing, I don't play musical instruments too, but my sister does.
Meet Baby Royce
Twix the Future Musician
Tuesday, September 16, 2014
My son-in-law is so much into music nowadays. It's probably because of his daughter. He plays the guitar for him and at 2 years old his daughter can sing. It's a joy to watch them. As early as now, I can also see my granddaughter going into music. Hopefully they will make to full use their God-given talents. I wonder if my Twix will go into that. I'd love to see her be the best musician/DJ of her time. I will be looking forward to that and it will be a joy listening to her. In the meantime, I will enjoy her growing up years. Having grandkids is really a blessing.
Free Vaccine
Magnetic Theraphy, Anyone?
Thursday, September 4, 2014
Have you guys heard about magnetic bracelets and magnetic jewellery or magnetic therapy for that matter? I first heard of it from a friend and I kinda like the idea. It's quite interesting to note the benefits once you wear it. If you want to learn more about it, you can visit this website. Feel free to leave a comment if you too find it helpful and interesting. Honestly I really want to try it. I'll let you guys know the results once I get to have my own. I did some readings online and I got a lot of feedback mostly positive. This is the reason why I want all the more to try it.
License to Own and Possess
My Favorite Time of the Year
Monday, July 21, 2014
Time really flies fast. We're done with the first half of the year. I'm glad that I was able to accomplish a lot of things. It's time to take care of the remaining half. I get excited too thinking that the holidays are coming. I think it's everyone's favourite time of the year. It's that time of the year that everyone gets really busy, from thinking of what presents to give down to decorating. Everyone wants to have a festive atmosphere. If you guys have a requirement for elf on the shelf, just let me know. I can show you where to purchase those kinds of stuff. Just leave a comment or send me a text message if you are interested.
The Heritage Look
Supplement for your Kitty Cat
Thursday, May 22, 2014
There are times that I don't want pets at home be it dogs or cats. I don't like being attached to them. We all know that they become part of the family once we adopt them. It's a joy having pets at home but when they start getting sick, my oh my, they are like your own children. You cannot just leave them dying. You also do all means just to save them. I heard that the number one killer in pets is kidney failure. If you have a cat who is suffering from one, why don't you check This is actually a supplement to prevent further damage. Your cat's health will suddenly improve if you give them this supplement. I don't actually have a first hand experience but this are all based on my readings from reviews.